Paffed De-
cember 24.
C H A P. XL.
An ACT for altering the time of holding the orphans court in
Worcefter county.
WHEREAS the prefent times of holding the orphans court of Wor-
cefter county are found, by experience, to be inconvenient to the
people; therefore,
When court
is to be held.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That after the fecond
Tuefday of January next, the faid orphans court for faid county of Worcefter
fhall be held on the firft Tuefdays of February, April, June, Auguft, Octo-
ber and December, in each year, or oftener, if need be, on the adjournment
Caufes, &c. to
be returned,
III. And be it enacted, That all caufes, pleas, orders, fubpoenas, attachments,
procefs and proceedings, relative to any matter depending before, or which fhall
be returnable to, the faid orphans court when this act fhall commence, fhall be
returned to the faid court at the times herein before appointed for holding faid
court, and fhall be heard, tried and determined therein, in the fame manner as
if no change had been made in the time of holding the faid courts.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
An ACT to enable the veftrymen of the parifh of Saint-James,
in Anne-Arundel county, for the time being, to fell a tract of
land therein mentioned, and to apply the money arifing by fuch
fale towards the purchafe of another tract or parcel of land, to
be made a glebe for the ufe of the rector of that parifh, and his
Veftry to fell
a tract of land,
WHEREAS the rector and veftry of the parifh of Saint-James, in Anne-
Arundel county, have fet forth in their petition to the general affem-
bly, that a certain tract of land called Wrighton, being the glebe-
land of faid parifh, is fo remotely fituate from the church that great inconveni-
ence refults therefrom, as well to the rector of the parifh as to the parishioners,
and have prayed that an act may pafs, empowering them to fell the faid land, and
with the money arifing from the fale thereof to purchafe other land more conve-
niently fituate to the church; and this general affembly deeming it expedient
that a law to that effect fhould pafs; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the veftrymen,
or the major part of them, for the time being, of the parifh of Saint-James, in
Anne-Arundel county, be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered, within
twelve months from the paffage of this law, to expofe to fale, at public auction,
firft giving two months notice in the Maryland Gazette of the day of fuch fab,
a certain tract or parcel of land, fituate, lying and being in the faid parifh, com-
monly called Wrighton, and which hath been and now is the glebe-land of faid
parifh, and to execute and acknowledge conveyances in fee-fimple to the perfon
or perfons who may or fhall be the higheft bidder for the faid land, upon the
whole of the purchafe money being paid to them, the faid veftrymen, for the
time being or the major part of them, and not before.
And purchafe
another, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid veftrymen, or a major part of them, for
the time being, may and fhall apply the money arifing from the fale of the faid
tract or parcel of land called Wrighton towards the purchafe of another tract or
parcel of land, lying in fome more central part of the faid parifh, and more con-
venient to the church; and the faid veftrymen for the time being, or a major part
of them, are hereby authorifed and empowered to take a conveyance, in fee-fim-
ple, to them and their fucceffors, of fuch land fo by them purchafed, and to
hold the fame in truft and for the ufe and benefit of the rector of the faid parifh,
and his fucceffors, for ever.