JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
An ACT to empower John C. Beatty to collect the balances due
him as fheriff and collector of Allegany county.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
John C. Beatty, late fheriff and collector of Allegany county, that
he was elected fheriff and collector of Allegany county in the month
of October, one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-one, and from that time has
executed the office of fheriff and collector of the public taxes, county rates and
officers fees, until the month of October, one thoufand feven hundred and nine-
ty-four; that by reafon of the late difturbances in the weftern counties of this
ftate, and of the commonwealth of Pennfylvania, he was prevented from finifh-
ing his collection as fheriff and collector aforefaid, and now hath many balances
due; and the faid John C. Beatty hath prayed he may be empowered to collect
all fuch balances due him as aforefaid, in the fame manner he might have done
during the time of his commiffion and appointment, in virtue of his faid feveral
offices of fheriff and collector; and this general affembly, for the reafons ftated
in faid petition, are willing to giant him fome indulgence,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid John
C. Beatty be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to take, demand, collect
and receive, all and every fum or fums of money, quantity or quantities of to-
bacco, due him as fheriff and collector of the public affeffment, county rates or
officers fees, for the year feven teen hundred and ninety-four, in the fame manner
as he might have done were his feveral offices unexpired, and the faid John C.
Beatty fhall be allowed until the firft day of September next to complete the col-
lection of the balances aforefaid, and fhall be allowed the fame commiffion upon
the faid collections that he would have been entitled to had his feveral offices been
J. C. Beatty
to collect, &c.
III. Provided always, and be it enacted, That the faid John C. Beatty, or
fome perfon or perfons authorifed by him, fhall, at leaft ten days before the exe-
cution or diftrefs of property for the balances aforefaid, deliver to the perfon
charged, or leave at his or her place of abode, a proved account, ftating the
taxes and the amount of fees, or fuch part thereof as may be claimed as due, to-
gether with all payments that may have been in any manner made by fuch per-
fon, and fhall give at leaft five days notice, by advertifement at the moft public
places in the neighbourhood, of the time and place of fale, in cafe of fuch exe-
cution or diftrefs; and provided alfo, that all the books of the faid John C.
Beatty, and his deputies, in which his accounts as fheriff and collector are ftated
and kept, fhall be depofited in the hands of fome perfon in the county town of
the county aforefaid, to be infpected and examined by any perfon or perfons who
fhall apply for the fame, in order to afcertain any payments that may have been
made upon his or their account.
An ACT to eftablifh and regulate the market-houfe in the town
of Cumberland, in Allegany county.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the market-houfe
erected on the eaft fide of Will's creek in the town of Cumberland, and
the lot of ground on which the fame is built, fhall and the fame is here-
by eftablifhed the market-houfe and market-ground for the faid town.
II. And be it enacted, That from and after the firft day of May next, the
Wednefday and Saturday of each and every week fhall be held and confidered as
market-days for the faid town, and the market-hours fhall be from any time in
the morning until nine o'clock of the faid days, and all provifions brought to the
faid town for fale, within the market-hours aforefaid, fhall be brought to the laid
market-houfe or ground aforefaid, and there fold or offered for fale; provided,
that fifh, butter by the cafk, butchers meat on the hoof, or by the carcafe, grain,
flour, meal and bread, fhall not be considered as provifions within the meaning