proceedings and the management of the temporal bufinefs of the fociety of the
Roman catholics in the town of Baltimore, as they fhall judge moft fit, pro-
vided that fuch rules and regulations be not repugnant to the conftitution and
laws of this ftate, or of the United States.
Paffed De-
cember 24.
An ACT to incorporate the German reformed congregation in
WHEREAS the German reformed congregation of Baltimore-town, by
their petition to this general affembly, have prayed that they may be
incorporated, with powers adequate to the regulation of their temporal
concerns, and with authority to take, hold and enjoy, property fufficient for the
fupport of their clergy, and the eftablifhment of fchools for the education of
their youth; for granting whereof,
G. Troldemi-
er, &c. erect-
ed into a bo-
dy politic, &c.
II. Be it enacted by the General Affembly of Maryland, That George Trol-
demier, Michael Diffenderffer, John Hull, Peter Diffenderffer, Jacob Hoffman,
George Decker, Peter Bankert, Chriftopher Dietmor, Philip Cronemiller, Nicho-
las Tfchudy, Richard Ratien and Chriftian Keener, the prefent minifter, elders,
deacons and truftees, of the faid congregation, and their fucceffors, chofen in
manner herein after mentioned, fhall be and they are hereby erected into and de-
clared to be one body politic and corporate, by the name and ftyle of The Elders,
Deacons and Truftees, of the German reformed congregation of Baltimore-town,
and by the fame name and ftyle fhall have perpetual fucceffion, and be able and
capable in law to fue or be fued, plead or be impleaded, anfwer or be anfwered
unto, in any court of law or equity within this ftate, and to make, change or
alter, at pleafure, a common feal, and fhall be able and capable to purchafe,
take, hold, receive and enjoy, any eftate, real, perfonal or mixed, not exceeding,
in the whole, the clear yearly value of twelve hundred pounds current money.
Male mem-
bers to meet,
III. And be it enacted, That the male members of the congregation aforefaid,
of the full age of twenty-one years, may and fhall meet on Eafter Monday in
every year, from and after the paffing of this act, or within ten days thereafter,
at the church of the faid congregation, or fuch other convenient place in Balti-
more-town as may be chofen by the officiating elders, deacons and truftees, and
notified during the time of divine fervice on Eafter Sunday to the congregation,
and then and there elect four perfons, members of the faid congregation, to be
elders, four other perfons to be deacons, and three other perfons to be truftees of
the faid congregation, and the perfons fo elected, together with the minifter for the
time being, fhall be the elders, deacons and truftees, of the faid congregation,
until another election fhall be held in purfuance of this act.
Elders, &c. to
meet, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the elders, deacons and truftees, now appointed,
or who may hereafter be elected, or a majority of them, fhall and may meet toge-
ther from time to time, and as often as they may judge expedient, to tranfact and
manage the bufinefs of the faid fociety, and fuperintend and protect the property
thereof, and make fuch by-laws and regulations for the good conduct of their
proceedings and the management of their temporal concerns as to them may ap-
pear expedient, not being repugnant to the difcipline of the faid church, or to
the conftitution and laws of this ftate.
Property veft-
ed in the el-
ders, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That all property of the faid congregation, now vefted
in truftees for their ufe, fhall be and is hereby vefted in the elders, deacons and
truftees, appointed by this act; and the faid elders, deacons and truftees, or their
fucceffors, fhall and may, with the approbation and confent of three fifths of
the whole male members of the faid congregation of the age aforefaid, fell and
difpofe of any part thereof, and execute conveyance for the completion of any
contract made as aforefaid, and transferring the legal eftate and intereft of the
faid congregation therein.