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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 68   View pdf image
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Jury to vifit
the gaol, &c.

XL And, in order to fecure as much as poffible the proper and humane treat-
ment to prifoners confined in the faid gaol, and to caufe to be punished all per-
fons who fhall infringe the regulations provided for the fame; Be it further
enacted, That it fhall be the duty of the grand jury of the county court to vifit
the faid gaol once in every term, and to infpect the feveral apartments thereof,
and to inquire into the treatment of the feveral prifoners therein confined, and
into their health and fituation, and to prefent, or otherwife report to their court,
fuch fads and circumftances of which they fhall receive knowledge, either upon
their own, or from the evidence of other perfons, and the juftices of the faid
court fhall be and they are hereby empowered to act upon fuch prefentments or
reports, and to make fuch order therein as fhall appear to them to be neceffary
to accomplish the defigns of this act refpecting the regulation of the faid gaol.

f refent gaol
to be fold.

XII. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners herein before mentioned be
and they are hereby empowered to fell the prefent gaol of Talbot county, after
the new gaol fhall be completed, at public fale, and fhall apply the money arifing
from faid fale to the ufe of faid county.

How fines are
to be recover-
ed, &c.

XIII. And be it enacted, That the fines impofed by this act fhall be recovered
before a fingle magiftrate, as in the cafe of fmall debts, and applied to the ufe
of the county.

Paffed De-
cember 26.


A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the
poor of Harford county.
WHEREAS by the original act to which this is a fupplement, the
truftees of the poor for Harford county are not directed to exhibit any
accounts of their expenditures of money for the ufe of the poor to
the county or levy court in faid county; therefore,

Trailees to
exhibit an ac-
count, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the truftees of
the poor for Harford county fhall and they are hereby directed to exhibit annually,
to the levy court in faid county, on or before the day of their affeffing their coun-
ty levy, all their expenditures for the poor of faid county for the preceding year,
and the faid levy court fhall lodge the fame in the clerk's office of faid county,
for the infpection of any perfon defirous of feeing the fame.

Paffed De-
cember 26.


An ACT for altering the twenty-third article of the conftitution
and form of government of this ftate, and fuch parts of the
twenty-fifth and twenty-fixth articles of the fame as refpect the
time of chooiing the governor and the council to the governor.
WHEREAS it will greatly conduce to the promotion of public con-
venience, that the annual conftitutional feffion of the legiflature
fhould commence on the third Monday in December inftead of the
firft Monday in November,

Meeting of
the legislature

changed, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the time of
holding the annual feffion of the legiflature, fixed by the conftitution and form
of government on the firft Monday in November, fhall, after the confirmation of
this act, be changed to the third Monday in December in each year, and the firft
feffion under and by virtue of the alteration contemplated by this act fhall be and
commence on the third Monday in December, one thoufand feven hundred and

When the go-
vernor, &c.
are to be e-
lected, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That after the meeting of the general affembly of
Maryland in virtue of this act, the governor of this ftate fhall from thenceforth
be elected annually on the Monday next after the commencement of each feffion
thereof, and that the council to the governor fhall be appointed and elected an-

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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 68   View pdf image
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