JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
ed by the confinement of perfons; thereof, Be it enacted, That the faid commif-
fioners, in planning and directing the building of the faid gaol, fhall lay off two
apartments, and a cellar, and referve and appropriate the fame to the refidence of
the keeper of the faid gaol, and throughout the whole plan the faid commiffion-
ers fhall have refpect to the comfortable accommodation, as well as to the fecurity
of pnfoncrs; and if the funds eftablifhed by this act fhall enable them to do fo,
they fhall lay off a convenient and fufficient yard, and caufe the fame to be
cnclofed by a fubftantial wall; and the faid commiffioners, as foon as the faid
building fhall be completed, fhall return a fair and faithful account of their pro-
ceedings and expenditures to the juftices of Talbot county court, to be examined
and infpected by them, and on their approbation thereof, the fame fhall be de-
pofited and filed among the original papers belonging to their office.
to be laid off,
VIII. And be it enacted, That after the completion of the faid gaol, the fhe-
riff of Talbot county fhall, within one month thereafter, nominate and appoint
a difcreet and judicious perfon to be gaoler, or keeper of the faid gaol, who, on his
acceptance of the faid office, fhall qualify himfelf to hold the fame, by taking an
oath, or affirmation, before forme two juftices of the peace for Talbot county, that
he will well and faithfully keep all prifoners who fhall be committed to the gaol
of Talbot county, and that he will in all refpectts truly and honeftly demean
himfelf in his office of keeper of the faid gaol, without prejudice, affection, ma-
lice, hatred or partiality, fo long as he fhall continue in the faid office; and alfo
by entering into a recognizance before the faid juftices, with two fufficient fureties,
in the fum of three hundred pounds current money, in the ufual form, with the
condition thereto, " That if the faid A. B. do and fhall well and faithfully execute
" and perform the office of keeper of the gaol of Talbot county, and find and
" provide wholefome and fufficient victuals for all and fingular the prifeners who
" fhall be committed to the faid gaol, and keep the feveral apartments in the
" faid gaol clean and free from all manner of filth, and not fuffer or permit
" loofe, idle, or diforderly perfons, to frequent the faid gaol, or remain about
" the fame, and do and fhall in all refpects faithfully demean himfelf in the faid
" office without favour, partiality or prejudice, then the faid recognizance to be
" void and of no effect, otherwife to remain in force;" and the perfon to ap-
pointed and qualified fhall remain in office during good behaviour, removable by
the fheriff of Talbot county, or by a prefentment of Talbot county court, and
judgment of the faid court thereon, after hearing and determining upon the
charges alleged againft him, and the evidence concerning the fame; and when-
ever a vacancy fhall happen in the faid office, it fhall be lawful for the (aid
fheriff to proceed forthwith to the appointment and qualification of another
gaoler, in the manner herein before directed.
Sheriff to ap-
point a gaol-
er, &c.
IX. And be it enacted, That in addition to the duties impofed by the laws of
this ftate upon all gaolers, it fhall be the duty of the keeper of the faid gaol to
receive, and provide for, all manner of perfons who fhall be committed to the
fame according to law, and to be obedient to the mittimus of the fheriff of the
faid county in thofe cafes wherein the faid fheriff hath a power to confine by
virtue of procefs, or purfuant to the laws of this ftate; and the faid keeper fhall,
befides the perquifites and fees allowed him by the fheriff of the county for his
fervices as keeper of the gaol, be moreover entitled to a refidence in the faid gaol
for himfelf and family free from rent, upon his keeping the feveral apartments in
his poffeffion in fufficient repair, and taking a juft and faithful charge and care of
the entire premifes.
X. And be it further enacted, That the faid keeper fhall be difqualificd
during his continuance in the faid office, from holding any ordinary or houfe of
entertainment in the faid gaol, and from retailing fpirituous liquors; and if the
keeper of the faid gaol, or any of his domeftics, fhall fell fpirituous liquors or
caufe or fuffer the fame to be fold, to any of the prifoners confined in the faid
gaol, or to any other perfon for the ufe of any of the faid prifoners, and fhall be
convictd thereof, he fhall forfeit and pay the fum of fife pounds for every
offence. XI. And,
He is not to
keep an ordi-
nary, &c.
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