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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 66   View pdf image
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lection of the faid tax, by reafonable inftalments, will be agreeable to the in-
habitants thereof; therefore,

A new gaol
to be creeled,

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That a new and
commodious gaol be forthwith erected upon the public fqoare in the faid town of
Eafton, or fuch other place as the commiffioners hereafter mentioned fhall deem
mod proper, for the ufe and benefit of Talbot county, and that Nicholas Ham-
mond, Samuel Sharp, Thomas J. Bullett, Samuel Logan and Jofeph Hafkins,
be and they are hereby appointed commiffioners, to contract for the building of
the faid gaol, and to plan and fuperintend the faid building until finifhed, and to
accomplifh the feveral purpofes mentioned in this act concerning the fame.

ers may ne-
gotiate a loan,


IH. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or the major part of
them, be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered to negotiate a loan of
one thoufand pounds current money, with any perfon or perfons willing to ad-
vance the fame, and to engage the repayment thereof to fuch perfon or perfons in
the term of five years, by annual inftalments of one fifth of the principal fum,
together with an intereft of fix per cent, upon the fame from the commencement
of the faid loan until the payment of the firft inftalment, and with the like rate
of intereft upon the remaining principal, from time to time, until the whole
fhall be difcharged, and the money fo loaned fhall be forthwith applied by
the faid commiffioners, or the major part of them, to the building of the faid

An annual
tax to be af-
feffed, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That to enable the faid commiffioners to repay the
faid loan, an annual tax of two hundred pounds current money, for the term of
five years, fhall be affeffed and levied, by the juftices of the levy court of the
faid county, on all the property therein liable to affeffment, together with fuch
fum as fhall be neceffary to difcharge the intereftof the faid loan, and a commif-
fion of iix per cent, to the collector for the collection thereof; and the faid
juftices fhall affefs and levy the firft of the faid taxes, together with the fum
neceffary for the payment of the faid intereft and commiffion, at their levy court
to be holden in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-fix, and the reft of the
faid taxes, together with the intereft and commiffion aforefaid, in the four fuc-
ceeding years, by equal portions, and fhall proceed in the affeffment thereof in
the fame manner as in affeffiing and levying other public charges of the county.

Two hundred
pounds to be
levied, &c.

V. And be it enacted, That the fum of two hundred pounds current money
fhall be affeffed and levied by the faid juftices at their next levy court to be
holden in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-five, together with the collector's
commiffion of fix per cent, thereon, and the fame fhall be affeffed and levied in
the fame manner, and upon the fame property, as other public charges of the
county are affeffed and levied; and the faid fum fhall be affeffed and levied for the
ufe of the faid commiffioners, and be applied by them, in aid of the before
mentioned loan, to the building of the faid gaol.

To be paid tc
the commiffi-
oners, &c.

VI. And be it enacted, That the fheriff, or other perfon appointed to collect
the faid refpective taxes, fhall pay the fame to the faid commiffioners, or the order
of the major part of them, at or before the time limitted by law for the payment
of the county charges in the faid refpecttive years, and in default thereof the faid
fheriff or collector fhall be anfwerable for all intereft, damages and cofts, which
may be payable by, of may arife or accrue to, the faid commiffioners, in confe-
quence of the faid default.

VII. And, whereas the efcape of prifoners, and too often their inhuman treat-
ment, are occafioned by a want of vigilance and care in the keepers of the gaols,
who are ufually perfons employed by the fheriffs, not fufficiently near to thofe
fituations to afford affiftance, or to protect the injured, and who, not being im-
mediately amenable for a default of conduct, are not fo watchful, or fo circum-
fpect in their conduct, as juftice and humanity require, and it is apprehended
that the refidence of the keeper in the gaol will better fecure the purpofes intend-

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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 66   View pdf image
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