Who may de-
mand all mo-
nies, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners appointed by this act, or the
maiority of them, fhall be and they are hereby authorifed and required to de-
mand, fue for, recover and receive, all monies or tobacco heretofore levied and
collected for the purpofe of building the court-houfe in the faid county, which
have not already been received and expended by the commiffioners named in the
aft to which this is a fupplement, from any perfon or perfons who by law are
chargeable with the payment of the fame, or in whofe hands the fame may be,
and the faid money or tobacco, when recovered, to apply to the purpofe of finifh-
ing and completing the faid court-houfe, in the fame manner the commiffioners
in the faid act were empowered to do, and agreeable to the contract made by the
faid commiffioners with the faid William Benfon, and his fecurity.
And receive
the fums un-
IV. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners hereby appointed, or a majo-
rity of them, are authorifed and empowered to receive fuch fum or fums of
money which remain unexpended as the commiffioners in the faid act mentioned
did allow to the faid William Benfon, by virtue of an act in favour of him, the
faid William Benfon, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-
three, or fuch part of the faid money as remains in the hands of the commif-
fioners, or any of them, named in faid act, or that may be in the hands of the
collector who collected the fame, and when received to pay the fame to the faid
William Benfon, or his feeurity, after the faid court-houfe is finished and com-
pleted, in the fame manner contracted for by the faid William Benfon with the
commiffioners named in faid act.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
A Further fupplement to an act for the valuation of the real and
perfonal property within this ftate.
WHEREAS perfons removing from the counties in which their proper-
ty was affeffed, and perfons coming into this ftate fince the laft valu-
ation of property, are exempted from the payment of taxes for want
of officers in the different counties to return the faid perfons, with an account of
their property, to the commiffioners of the tax of the county to which fuch re-
movals are made; for remedy whereof,
Perfons re-
moving to
give an ac-
count, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the paffage of this act, every perfon who fhall or may remove to any county
within this ftate from the county in which his property hath or may have been
affeffed, or from any other place without this ftate, and whofe perfonal property
hath not or may not have been affeffed in the county to which he hath or may
remove, every fuch perfon fhall and he is hereby directed, when required by the
fheriff.of the county, or his deputy, in which his perfonal property, or the pro-
perty under his care and management, doth or may lie, to give to fuch fheriff, or
his deputy, a full and particular account of his perfonal property in the faid coun-
ty, and of all perfonal property in his poffeffion, or under his care and manage-
ment, liable to be affeffed, and which before the time of fuch requeft fhall not
have been affeffed in the faid county, and the name of the perfon to whom the fame
belongs, and if any perfon fhall refufe, or after reafonable and convenient notice
fhall neglect, to render fuch account, he fhall be fubject to the fame penalties
impofed on perfons refufing or neglecting to deliver an account to any affeffor
under the original acl.
Sheriff to va-
lue property,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid fheriff, or his deputy, fhall, on his own
knowledge, or the beft information he can obtain, value the faid property; that
is to fay, negroes and plate, if any, according to the direction of the act to which
this is a further fupplement, and all other property to fuch fum as he believes in
his confcience the fame may be worth in ready money, and fhall certify the fame
to the commiffioners of the tax.
Who fhall in
form himfelf
IV. And be it enacted, That every fheriff, or his deputy, fhall inform himfelf
by all lawful ways and means of all perfonal property as aforefaid in his county,