JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
(except the property by the original aft excepted,) and fhall immediately on fuch
information proceed to value fuch property, agreeably to the directions of this
act, and fhall return, at the time and at the place to be appointed by the com-
miffioners of the tax of the county of which he is fheriff, a certificate in writing
of the particulars of all the faid perfonal property in his county, and of his va-
luation of the fame, in which fhall be expreffed the number of flaves of each
defcription, agreeably to the original act, and the weight of plate, and fhall re-
turn with his certificate an alphabetical lift of the names of all fuch perfons
whofe property he fhall value.
V. Provided always, and be it enacted, That every fheriff; or deputy fheriff,
before he proceeds on the duties by this act impofed, fhall take the following oath,
or affirmation, as the cafe may be, to wit: " I, A. B. do fwear, or affirm, that
" I will well and truly execute the duties impofed on fhe by an act, entitled, A
"fuppkment to an act for the valuation of the real and perfonal property within
" this ftate, and will juftly and impartially value all perfonal property which I
" fhall be authorifed to value, agreeably to the directions of the act for the valu-
" ation of real and perfonal property within this ftate, and the fupplement there-
" to, according to the beft of my fkill and knowledge, and therein I will fpare
"' no perfon for favour or affection, or any perfon grieve for hatred, malice or ill-
" will. So help fhe God;" which oath or affirmation any of the juftices of the
peace, or commiffioners of the tax, may adminifter.
And to take
an oath.
VI. And be it enacted, That there fhall be allowed to each fheriff, for the
performance of the duties bv this act impofed on him, fuch a fum as the com-
miffioners of the tax, in their difcretion, fhall think reafonable and proper, ac-
cording to the duty which he fhall aduaily perform, which fums fhall be refpec-
tively faid by the juftices of the feveral counties of this ftate, and levied and col-
lected by the fheriff or colledor, in the fame manner, and at the fame time, that
other county charges are faid, levied and collected, with the ufual commiffion
for colleding the fame.
His allow-
VII. And be it enacted, That any perfon whofe property fhall he valued under
this act, fhall have the fame right to appeal that is granted to perfons affeffed un-
,der the original act.
Perfons may
An ACT relating to public roads in this ftate, and to repeal the
ads of affembly therein mentioned.
WHEREAS the prefent modes of repairing public roads, under the ex-
ifting laws of this sftate, are found by experience inadequate to the
purpofes intended, and are partial and unjuft in their operation, and
it is found neceffary that proper perfons be invefted with the power of ftreighten-
ing old roads; therefore,
Paffed De-
cember 15.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the peace for Baltimore, Talbot, Somerfet, Caecil, Prince-George's, Queen-
Anne's, Frederick, Harford, Caroline, Montgomery, Allegany and Kent coun-
tries, or a majority of the faid juftices in each of the faid counties, are hereby
authorifed and required to meet annually, at the places and at the ufual time tor
holding their lew court in their refpective counties, and when fo met, the faid
juftices, or a majority of them then prefent, fhall be and they are hereby autho-
rifed and required annually to levy, by equal afferent on the affeffable property
within their counties refpectively, a fum of money as follows, to wit: In Bal-
timore a fum not exceeding one fhilling and three-pence, in Talbot a fum not ex-
ceeding three fhillings and nine-pence, in Somerfet a fum not exceeding one toil-
ling and fix-pence, in Caecil a fum of money not exceeding three fillings, and
one third of the money levied on the inhabitants on the eaft and fouth fide or Elk
River, fhall be expended on the roads on the eaft and fouth fide of faid river, in
the faid county, in Prince-George's a fum not exceeding three fhillings and nine-
M pence,
Juftices to
meet annual-
ly, &c