JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
fied and duly elected a fenator, delegate, or eledor of the fenate, or beino- other-
wife qualified and duly appointed or elected to any office of profit or truft on
making affirmation inftead of taking the feveral oaths appointed by the confuta-
tion and form of government, and the feveral ads of affembly of this ftate now
in force, or that hereafter may be made, fuch perfon may hold and exercife any
office of profit or truft to which he may be appointed or elected, and may, by
fuch affirmation, qualify himfelf to take a feat in the legiflature, and to act there-
in as a member of the fame in all cafes whatever, or to be an elector of the fe-
nate, in as full and ample a manner, to all intents and purpofes whatever, as
perfons are now competent and qualified to act who are not confcientioufly fcru-
pulous of taking fuch oaths.
II. And be it enacted, That if this act fhall be confirmed by the general af-
fembly, after the next election of delegates, in the firft feffion after fuch new
election, as the conftitution and form of government direds, that in fuch cafe this
act, and the alterations and amendment of the conftitution and form of govern-
ment therein contained, fhall be taken and confidered, and fhall conftitute and be
valid, as a part of the faid conftitution and form of government, to all intents
and purpofes, any thing in the faid conftitution and form of government contain-
ed to the contrary notwithstanding.
If confirmed,
to be a part of
the conftituti-
on, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That the feveral claufes and fections of the conftitu-
tion and form of government contrary to the provifions of this act, fo far as they
refpect either of the feds or focieties aforefaid, fhall be and are hereby declared to
be repealed and annulled, on the confirmation hereof.
Claufes, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the removal of the
feat of juftice from Melville's Warehoufe to Pig Point, in
Caroline county.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
WHEREAS by an act of affembly, paffed at November feflion, feven-
teen hundred and ninety, entitled, An act for the removal of the feat
of juftice from Melville's Warehoufe to Pig Point, in Caroline
county, William Richardfon, Zebdiel Potter, Jofeph Richardfon, Peter Ed-
mondfon and Jofhua Willis, were appointed commiffioners for Caroline county,
which commiffioners, or a majority of them, were fully empowered and au-
thorifed to purchafe a certain quantity of land at Pig Point aforefaid, (now called
by the name of Denton,) for the purpofe of ereding a court-houfe and gaol
thereon; and the faid commiffioners, after purchafing the quantity of land they
were authorifed by the faid act to do, for a certain fum of money contraded
with William Benfon, of Talbot, to build and complete a court-houfe on faid
land, which court-houfe is ftill unfinifhed: And whereas by death, refufal
to act, and removal out of the county, of fome of the faid commiffioners,
Jofeph Richardfon is now the only ading commiffioner, who is not empower-
ed to fill up the faid vacancies, nor to receive the faid court-houfe when com-
pleted; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Chriftopher
Driver, William Robinfon, Philemon Downes and Thomas Loockerman, be
and they are hereby appointed commiffioners for Caroline county aforefaid, in ad-
dition to Jofeph Richardfon, one of the commiffioners in the aforefaid act named,
who, or a majority of them, are hereby authorifed, empowered and required, to
execute and perform all the feveral trufts and powers repofed in and required of
the commiffioners in the faid act appointed which fhall or may remain unexecuted
by them; and in cafe any of the faid commiffioners hereby appointed fhould die,
refufe to act, or remove out of the faid county, then and in fuch cafe the re-
maining commiffioner or commiffioners fhall choofe another perfon or perfons in
the room of him or them fo dying, refufing to act, or removing out of the
county aforefaid.
III. And
ers appointed,