the fum of fifty-fix pounds five fhillings, which faid feveral fums of money, to-
gether with the collector's ufual commiffions for collection, refpectively, fhall be
affeffed, levied and collected, in the fame manner other county charges and
public dues for the enfuing year fhall be affeffed, levied and collected; and the
faid feveral collectors, and their fecurities, refpectively, fhall be anfwerable for
and pay the faid feveral and refpective fums of money to the commiffioners
aforefaid, or either of them, or their order, at any time after the faid fums of
money have or ought to have been collected; and if any of the faid collectors
fhall neglect or refufe to pay the refpective affeffments, the commiffioners, or the
major part of them, are hereby authorifed and required to fue for and recover the
fame from fuch collector, or his fecurities, or his or their executors or admini-
strators, refpectively, in an action of trefpafs on the cafe, in which it fhall be
fufficient to declare for fo much money had and received by the defendant for the
ufe of the plaintiffs.
How vacan-
cies are to be
IV. And be it enacted, That if any of the faid commiffioners fhall die, or
remove out of the county of which he is a commiffioner, before the completion
of the faid new bridge and road, or fhall refufe to act, the furvivor or furvivors
fhall appoint fome other perfon or perfons in his or their ftead, and the perfon or
perfons fo appointed fhall have the fame powers and authorities vefted in the
commiffioners in this act named.
Bridge to be
kept up, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That from and after the time of erecting and building
the faid bridge, it fhall be kept up and fupported at the joint expence of the faid
three counties, in the proportions before mentioned; and the faid new road, when
faid out, opened and completed, by the faid commiffioners, as directed and em-
powered by this act, the faid road fhall then be considered and deemed as a pub-
lic road, and kept in repair and order as other public roads in the faid counties are
kept up and repaired.
ers to render
an account.
VI. And be it further enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or fome one or
two of them, fhall render to the juftices of the peace of the faid counties refpec-
tively, at their levy courts next after the expenditure of the faid monies, a true,
full and fair account of all money by them faid out and expended by virtue of
this act, and if, after completing the faid bridge and road, any furplus of money
fhall remain in the hands of the faid commiffioners, or any of them, the fame
fhall be paid, in equal proportion, by the faid commiffioners, or fome one of
them, to the juftices of the peace, or any three of them, of the faid refpective
counties, to be applied towards defraying the public charges of the faid counties
VII. Provided always, That nothing in this act fhall be conftrued to extend
to give any power or authority to the faid commiffioners to lay out the new road,
or build the new bridge, contemplated in this act, without the leave of the pro-
prietors of the land through which the faid new road may pafs, and if the leave
of the faid proprietors fhall be obtained by the faid commiffioners, to authorife
them to lay out the faid new road, and after laying out and completing the fame,
that then and in fuch cafe an act of affembly, entitled, An act for building a
bridge over Tuckahoe Creek, paffed at May feffion, feventeen hundred and
eighty-one, be and the fame fhall be hereby repealed.
Paffed De-
cember 25.
An ACT to alter fuch parts of the conftitution and form of go-
vernment which prevent perfons confcientioufly fcrupulous of
taking an oath from being members of the legiflature, electors
of the fenate, or to hold offices of profit and truft.
Quakers, &c.
may hold of-
fices, &c.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That every perfon being
a member of either of the religious fects or focieties called Quakers, Me-
nonifts, Tunkers or Nicolites, or New Quakers, and who fhall be con-
fcientioufly fcrupulcus of taking an oath on any occafion, being otherwife quali-