JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
out as an apprentice any child which the faid court may lawfully bind out fob-
ject to the terms, regulations and reftrictions, preferred by the act to which this
is a fuppfement; provided always, that the contract of apprenticeship fo made
fhall be approved and recorded agreeably to the fixth fection of the faid law.
II. And be it enacted, That the faid two juftices fhall each have one quarter
of a dollar for every contract of apprenticefhip made before them as aforefaid, to
be paid by the mailer.
Their allow-
An ACT for building a bridge over Tuckahoe Creek, below the
place where the old bridge now ftands.
WHEREAS the inhabitants of Talbot, Queen-Anne's and Caroline
counties, by their petition to this general affembly have fet forth,
that the bridge over Tuckahoe Creek is in a ruinous and almoft im-
paffable condition, and have in their petition ftated the advantages that would re-
fult by the erecting a new bridge over faid creek, about three hundred yards be-
low the place of the old bridge, and it appearing that by building the new bridge,
as prayed for, and altering part of the public road as may be neceffary fo as to
pafs over the fame, will fhorten the diftance for travellers, and add to the con-
venience and advantage of the faid three counties: And whereas the bridge here-
tofore built was done and kept up at. the expence of the faid three counties, the
faid petitioners have prayed for a new one to be erected, and that the fum of one
hundred and fifty pounds may be levied on the faid counties refpectively for the
purpofe aforefaid; wherefore, to carry the fame into effect,
Paffed De-
cember 26.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That for Talbot
county John Roberts, for Queen-Anne's county Henry Pratt, for Caroline coun-
ty Philemon Downes, fhall be and they are hereby appointed commiffioners, for
the purpofe of building and completing the faid new bridge, and the faid com-
miffioners, or a majority of them, are by this act authorifed and empowered, as
foon as it may be conveniently in their power, to caufe the faid new bridge to be
built over the faid creek, oppofite a place formerly called and known by the
name of The Old Rolling Houfe, lying on the eaft fide of the faid creek, which
ground, or part thereof, is now held by a certain John Corrie, of Talbot county,
which faid new bridge fhall be built and completed in the beft and moft fub-
ftantial manner it can for the money hereby to be granted; and the faid commif-
fioners, or a majority of them, are by virtue of this act fully authorifed and em-
powered, as they in their difcretfon fhall think beft, to agree for the faid work
with a contractor or contractors, for the whole, or in parcels, or they may pur-
chafe materials and hire workmen and labourers to complete the faid work; and
the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them, are alfo empowered to open and
lay out, on the eaft fide of faid creek, from fome fit and convenient part of the
old road, a new road, to lead to and crofs over the faid new bridge to the Talbot
fide, and from the foot of the new bridge on the Talbot fide, to Jay out and con-
tinue the faid road up the faid creek, and as near therewith as the fituation of the
ground through which the road may pafs will conveniently admit of, until it in-
terfects the road now leading from the old bridge to Eafton, which interfection
fhall be as near the old bridge as the commiffioners, or a major part of them,
upon confideration of all circumftances, fhall think beft and moft advantageous,
fo as to afford convenience to the public, and with as little poffible injury as may
be to individual property.
ers appointed,
III. Be it enacted, That the juftices of the peace of Talbot, Queen-Anne's
and Caroline counties, fhall, and they are hereby authorifed, directed and re-
quired, at the next levy courts of their refpective counties, to affefs and levy
the feveral fums of money herein and hereafter mentioned, in the following man-
ner, to wit: The juftices of the peace of Talbot fhall affefs and levy the fum of
fifty-fix pounds five fhillings, the juftices of the peace of Queen-Anne's the fans
of thirty-feven pounds ten fhillings, and the juftices of the peace of Caroline
L the
Juftices to le-
vy money,