more parcels of ground in the faid town and county, not exceeding in the whole
three acres, in fuch place or places as they fhall think moft convenient for the
ufes and purpofes aforefaid, and to take one or more deed or deeds to the faid veftry,
and their fucceffors, for ever, and that the faid deed or deeds, when executed, ac-
knowledged and recorded, with the folemnities required by law for the conveyance
of real eftates, fhall be good and effectual in the courts of law and equity in this
ftate, and the veftry of the faid parifh, and their fucceffors, fhall be vefted with
an eftate in fee-fimple therein; faving neverthelefs to the ftate of Maryland, and
all bodies politic and corporate, and all perfons not mentioned in this act, their
feveral and refpective rights.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
An ACT concerning petitions to the general affembly.
WHEREAS it may happen that facts may be difclofed by petitions pre-
ferred to the general affembly, of which advantage may be taken, to
the injury of the party petitioning; therefore,
Right not to
be invali-
dated, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That whenever any
petition or petitions fhall be prefented to the general affembly by any perfon or
perfons to confirm his, her or their title to any land within this ftate, or for any
other purpofe whatever, the right or claim of fuch perfon or perfons, his, her or
their reprefentatives, to any matter or thing contained therein, fhall not be inva-
lidated by any means whatever until the end of the feffion of affembly to which
the fame fhall be preferred; provided, that nothing in this act contained fhall
extend, or be conftrued to extend, to prevent or delay any fuit or fuits, execution
or executions, againft the property of fuch petitioner or petitioners.
Paffed De-
cember 25.
An ACT refpecting writs of inquiry.
WHEREAS great expences neceffarily attend the executing of a writ of
inquiry iffued upon an interlocutory judgment obtained in the general
court, or in any of the county courts: And whereas the real merits
of the cafe cannot be fully confidered and examined when intricate queftions of
law occur in the courfe of the inquiry, therefore,
In certain
cafes the court
may, on moti-
on, make an
order, &c..
It. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the end of this prefent feffion of affembly, in all cafes when an interlocu-
tory judgment is entered in the general court, or in any of the county courts,
whereby the right of the plaintiff is eftablifhed, but the damages fuftained by him
cannot be afcertained without the intervention of a jury, the court where fuch
judgment is given may and fhall, on the motion of the plaintiff, or of his attor-
ney, make an order, in the nature of a writ of inquiry, to charge the jury at-
tending at the fame, or at the next term, to inquire of the damages and coils
fuftained by the plaintiff in fuch action, which faid inquiry fhall be made, and
the evidence given, in open court, in the fame manner, and under the fame re-
gulations, as in other jury trials; and after the faid jury, charged as aforefaid,
fhall have confidered thereof, they fhall forthwith return their inquifition, under
their hands and feals, and thereupon the faid court may and fhall proceed to
judgment, as upon inquiiitions of that kind returned by the fheriff.
An a£i repeal-
III. And be it enacted, That the act of affembly, entitled, An act for the
amendment of the law, and the fpeedier advancement of juftice in relation to the
affeffing of damages, be and hereby is repealed.
Paffed De-
cember 25.
Two juftices
may bind out
any child, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act for the better regula-
tion of apprentices,
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That at any time,
when the orphans court of a county be not in feffion, any two juftices of
the peace of fuch county fhall and they are hereby empowered, to bind