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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 39   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


VII. And be it further enacted, That the faid William Kilty, before he pro-
ceeds to execute the powers veiled in him by this law, fhall give bond before tht
orphans court of Prince-George's county, with two good and fufficient fecurities
to be approved of by the faid court, in fuch fum, not lefs than five thoufanc
pounds current money, as the faid orphans court fhall direct, conditioned for the
faithful exercife of the powers, and performance of the duties, vefted in and re-
quired of him by this law.


And to give

VIII. And be it enacted, That the faid William Kilty, for defraying all ex-
pences of the fales of the faid eftates, and for his trouble in conducting them,
be allowed fuch fum as the orphans court of Prince-George's county fhall think
reafonable, not exceeding two per cent.

His allow-

A Further fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to prohibit
bringing flaves into this ftate.

WHEREAS doubts may arife, whether perfons who come from ano-
ther ftate to refide in this ftate may bring their flaves into this ftate,
before fuch perfons have actually refided one year in this ftate;

Paffed De-
cember 25.


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the paffing this act it fhall and may be lawful for any citizen of the United
States, who fhall come into this ftate with a bona fide intention of fettling therein,
to import or bring into this ftate, at the time of his or her removal into this ftate,
or within one year thereafter, any flave or flaves, the property of fuch citizen at
the time of his or her faid removal, which flave or flaves fhall have been refident
of the United States, or any one of them, three whole years next preceding fuc
removal, and the fame to retain as flaves.

Perfons may
import their
flaves, &c.

III. Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, That nothing in this act fhall

be conftrucd to enable any peribn, fo removing as aforefaid, to fell or difpofe of
any flave or flaves imported by virtue of this act, or their increafe, to any citizen
of this ftate, unlefs fuch perfon fhall have refided within this ftate three whole
years next preceding fuch fale, except in cafes of difpofition by laft will and tefta-
ment, and difpofition by law, confequent upon inteftacy; and provided alfo, that
nothing herein contained fhall be taken or conftrued in any manner to affect any
claim which any negro or negroes fo imported may have to freedom, from any
other caufe than being brought into this ftate agreeably to the provifions of this act.

Pro v ifo.

An ACT to enable the veftry of Saint-Paul's parifh, in Baltimore
county, to purchafe one or more parcels of ground for the pur-
pofes therein mentioned.

Paffed De-
cember 25.

WHEREAS the veftry of Saint-Paul's parifli, in Baltimore county, by
their petition to this general affembly, have let forth, that the con-
gregation of the proteftant epilcopal church in the faid county is at
this time fo numerous, that the preient church in Baltimore-town is not fufficient
to accommodate the different families belonging to the fame with pews, by reason
whereof a very large number of the members of the faid church, both in the
faid town and county, cannot conveniently refort to the fame, and that they are
defirous to build one or more churches for the performance of divine worfhip in
the faid county, in fuch convenient place or places as will beft fuit the faid con-
gregation, and to have a burial ground to each of them, and alfo a lot of ground
adjoining one of them for a parfonage-houfe, and for that purpofe to purchafe
one or more pieces of ground, not exceeding three acres in the whole, for the ufes
md purpofes aforefaid, and to take one or more deed or deeds to the faid veftry,
and their fucceffors, for ever; therefore,


II. Be it enacted, by the General Afembly of Maryland, That the veftry of
Saint-Paul's parifh, in Baltimore county, are hereby enabled to purchafe one or

Vestry may
purchafe, &c.

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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 39   View pdf image
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