JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
number of them making a quorum, not lefs than nine, as the future ordinance
of the faid corporation may conftitute, authorife and appoint, for that purpofe;
provided alfo, that one of the faid board be the prefident of the faid corporation,
as herein before mentioned; and provided alfo, that no perfon or perfons, (ex-
cepting the ftudents belonging to the faid feminary,) fhall ever be admitted to
any honorary or other degree or degrees in the fame, unlefs nine of the truftees
and governors of the faid college, (making a quorum as aforeiaid, of whom the
prefident of the faid corporation fhall be one,) by a mandate under the feal of the
corporation, figned by the hands of each of them, to the principal, vice-princi-
pal and profeffors directed, have fignified their approbation and authority for the
particular admiffion of fuch perfon or perfons to the degree or degrees for which
they may refpectively apply.
XIII. And be it enacted, That in cafe at any time hereafter through overfights,
mifapprehenfion, or miftaken conftruction of the powers, liberties and franchifes,
in this charter or act of incorporation granted, or intended to be granted, or
otherwife, any ordinance or ordinances fhould be made by the faid corporation,
or any matters or things done and tranfaded by them, contrary to the tenor there-
of, it is hereby declared, that although fuch ordinance or ordinances, act and do-
ings, fhall in themfelves be null and void, neverthelefs they fhall not be deemed,
taken, interpreted or adjudged, into an avoidance or forfeiture of this charter and
act of incorporation, but the fame fhall be and remain unhurt and entire unto the
faid corporation, in perpetual fucceffion; and all their ads conformable to the
powers, true intent and meaning hereof, fhall be and remain in full force and
virtue, the nullity and avoidance of fuch illegal act or ads to the contrary in any-
wife notwithftanding.
Afts done,
not to occafion
a forfeiture,
XIV. And be it enacted, That this charter and act of incorporation, and every
part thereof, fhall be good and available in all refpects in law, according to the
true intent and meaning thereof, and fhall be held, taken, conftrued, refpected
and adjudged, in all cafes, difputes and controverts, moft favourably, and for
the beft benefit and behoof, of the faid truftees and governors, and their fuc-
ceffors, fo as moft effectually to anfwer the valuable ends of this act of incor-
poration towards the general advancement and promotion of ufeful knowledge,
fcience and virtue, among the ftudents and fcholars of and belonging to the faid
feminary of learning.
Charter to be
good, &c.
XV. And be it enacted, That in cafe of the death or refufal to act of any per-
fon or perfons named and appointed truftee or truftees by this act, then and in fuch
cafe thofe truftees who accept and attend at the firft, or any other annual meet-
ings, (provided not lefs than nine, making a quorum, attend as aforefaid,) are
hereby authorifed and empowered to nominate, elect and appoint, in the manner
before prefcribed, other perfons as truftees in their ftead, whofe election and ap-
pointment fhall be as valid, to all intents and purpofes, as if the fame perfons
had been nominated and appointed by this act, any thing herein to the contrary
thereof notwithftanding.
How vacan-
cies are to be
XVI. And be it enacted, That no perfon fhall act as truftee and governor, or as
principal or vice-principal, or as profeffor or tutor, in the faid college, before he
fhall have taken the oath, or affirmation, of fidelity and fupport to this ftate,
and the United States, required by the conftitution and laws of this ftate, and by
the conftitution of the United States.
Truftees to
take an oath
An ACT to ratify an amendment of the conftitution of the United
States of America, propofed by congrefs to the legiflatures of
the feveral ftates.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
WHEREAS it is provided by the fifth article of the conftitution of the
United States of America, that congrefs, whenever two thirds of
both houfes fhall deem it neceffary, fhall propofe amendments to the