JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
conclufive evidence as to the bounds and lines of the faid town, and the lots
IV. And be it enacted, That if any proprietor or proprietors, purchafer or pur-
chafers, of the lots aforefaid, or any part of them, fhall think him, her or them-
felves aggrieved by the arrangement of any ftreet, lane or alley, made in virtue
of this act, it fhall and may be lawful for fuch perfon to lodge with the clerk
aforefaid, at any time within fix months after the return of the certificate and
plot of the town as aforefaid, his or her written diffent thereto, which diffent
fhall fpecify the particular ftreet, lane or alley, difapproved of, and fhall be re-
corded by the faid clerk among the land records of the faid county, and fhall be
confidered a full avoidance of the proceedings of the aforefaid commiffioners, as
to the ftreet, lane or alley, fo fpecified and diffented to.
Perfons ag-
grieved may
lodge their
diffent, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a major part of them,
fhall have full power to levy, affefs and take, by way of diftrefs, if needful,
from the purchafers and proprietors of the faid lots, in proportion to the value
of the fame, to be afcertained by the aforefaid commiffioners, or a majority of
them, a fum not exceeding twenty pounds current money, to defray the expence
of furveying and bounding the lots of the faid town, and for recording the cer-
tificate and plot thereof.
Money to be
affeffed, &c.
An ACT to extend the time for the collection of the county tax
of Saint-Mary's county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
Samuel Abell, of Saint-Mary's county, that no collector was appoint-
ed to collect the county tax of faid county until the time was
expired in which the fame ought to have been made, and that he has accept-
ed of the appointment of collector of the faid tax, and prays that a further time
may be allowed him to complete his collection; and it appearing to this general
affembly reafonable that the prayer of his petition fhould be granted,
Paffed De-
cember 26.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may
be lawful for the faid Samuel Abell to receive and collect, by execution or other-
wife, at any time before the firft day of July next, all arrearages of county taxes
due for the prefent year in faid county.
S. Abell to
collect, &c.
An ACT relating to the. clerks, fheriffs and regifters of wills, in
the feveral counties therein named.
WHEREAS it would greatly adminifter to the convenience of the peo-
ple in the following counties, if the offices of clerk, regifter of wills
and fheriff, were held at or near the court-houfe of each refpective
county; therefore,
Paffed De-
cember 26.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the clerk and
fheriff in and for each of the following counties, to wit: Caroline, Queen-Anne's,
Montgomery and Caecil, and the regifter of wills in the following counties, to
wit: Queen-Anne's, Montgomery and Caecil, fhall be and they are hereby re-
fpeaively directed and required, from and after the firft day of June next, to
hold, either by themfelves or their deputies, their refpective offices in the town of
Denton for Caroline county, and at the court-houfe, or within one quarter of a
mile thereof, in each of the other refpective counties herein named, and that they,
or their deputies refpectively, fhall, at all times, Sundays excepted, be obliged to
attend at their refpective offices for the tranfaction of fuch bufinefs as appertains
to their feveral offices, and if the faid clerks, regifters of wills or fheriffs, any or
either of them, fhall refufe or negled to comply with the provifions of this act,
each of them, fo refufing or negleding, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of fifteen.
pounds current money for each month either of them fhall fo refufe or neglect to
Where the
clerks, &c. are
to hold their
offices. &c.