VI. And be it enacted, That the faid weigher fhall forthwith weigh all fuch
hay as he may be required from time to time to weigh, under the penalty of forty
fhillings current money for every refufal or neglect, to be applied to the ufe afore-
faid, and to be recovered as aforefaid.
Who fhall
keep a book,
VII. And be it enacted, That the faid weigher fhall keep a book, in which
he fhall enter each and every load of hay, or other long forage, weighed by him,
under feparate and diftinct heads, with the weight thereof, together with the
name of the feller of the fame, which he fhall deliver to the faid commiffioners
whenever and as often as he is required by them, under the penalty of forty fhil-
lings current money for every refufal or neglect, to be recovered as aforefaid, to
the ufe aforefaid; and the faid weigher is hereby required and directed to make
out, under his hand, and deliver to the carrier of the faid hay, or other long fo-
rage, a certificate, expreffing the name of the feller of the hay, or other long
forage, with the weight thereof, under the penalty of ten fhillings current mo-
ney for every refufal or neglect, to be recovered as aforefaid, to the ufe afore-
A wood-cor-
der to be ap-
pointed, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the commiflioners aforefaid, or a majority of
them, fhall, on the firft Monday of March next, and annually thereafter, no-
minate and appoint one perfon of good repute and fkill, an inhabitant of faid
town, as corder of wood for the year next enfuing, who fhall cord all firewood
brought to, and fold in, the faid town and precincts, and fhall, before he acts as
fuch, take the following oath, or affirmation, to wit: " I, A. B. do fwear, or
" affirm, that I will, when required, in a juft and impartial manner, well and
" truly fet up, pack, Cord and meafure, all nrewood which I fhall be fo required
" to cord within the faid town, or precincts thereof, according to the beft of
" my fkill and knowledge, and according to the directions of this act, and that
" I will not, wittingly or willingly, afk, charge, exact, demand or receive, any
" other or larger fee or reward for doing my duty in faid office of wood-corder,
" than may be afcertained and directed by the faid commiflioners;" which oath,
or affirmation, may be adminiftered by any juftice of the peace of faid county;
and the faid wood-corder may be removed and difplaced at the difcretion of the
faid commiffioners.
Firewood to
be corded,
IX. And be it enacted, That from and after the faid firft Monday of March
next, all firewood brought to, and offered for fale in, the faid town, or the pre-
cincts thereof, whether by land or water, fhall be fet up, packed, corded and
meafured, by the faid wood-corder for the time being, and that each cord of
wood fhall be eight feet in length, four feet in breadth, four feet in height, and
well flowed and packed; and that the faid wood-corder, for his trouble in cord-
ing, packing and meafuring the fame, agreeably to the directions of this act,
fhall have and receive a fum, in the difcretion of the faid commiffioners, not ex-
ceeding eight-pence current money for each and every cord of wood by him
fet up, corded, packed and meafured, to be paid by the perfon purchafing the
Penalty for
neglect, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That if any inhabitant within the faid town, or the
precincts thereof, fhall purchafe any firewood brought to the faid town, or the pre-
cincts thereof, by land or water, and fhall neglect or refufe to have the fame cord-
ed and meafured by the faid wood-corder for the time being, fuch inhabitant fhall
forfeit and pay the fum of five fhillings current money for every cord of wood he
fhall neglect or refufe to have corded as aforefaid, the faid forfeit to be recovered
in the manner herein before directed, and applied as aforefaid.
XL This act to continue and be in force for and during the term of feven
years, and until the end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall happen there-