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Session Laws, 1794
Volume 646, Page 15   View pdf image
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JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.


An ACT to form a new parifh, by the name of Waftington
Parifh, to include the City of Wafhington and George-town,
on Patowmack.

Paffed De-
cember 26.

WHEREAS fundry proteftani epifcopal inhabitants of the City of
Wafhington, in Prince-George's county, and of George-town,

Montgomery county, dwelling in two ieparate parifhes, have pre-
ferred a petition to the general affembly, with the confent and approbation of the
minifters of faid parishes, praying that a new parifh may be formed, containing
a part of each of the former two, and the prayer of faid petitioners is thought
reafonable; therefore,


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That from and after
the end of this prefent feffion of affembly, all that part of Saint-John's parifh,
in Prince-George's county, which is contained in the City of Wafhington, and
all that part of Saint-Paul's parifh, in Montgomery county, which is contained
in George-town, and its addition, fhall be taken from the parifhes aforefaid, and
fhall be erected into a new and feparate parifh, which fhall be called and known
by the name of Wafhington Parifh.

A new parifh
erected, &c.

III. And be it enacted, That the proteftant epifcopal inhabitants of the faid
diftrict, hereby intended to be formed into a new parifh, fhall have full power to
choofe and elect a felect veftry for faid parifh, at any time before the firft day of
June next, in manner and form prefcribed by the act of affembly paffed at March
feffion, feventeen hundred and feventy-nine, entitled, An act for the eftablifh-
ment of felect veftries.

Inhabitants to
choofe a vef-
try, &c.

IV. And be it furtherenacted, That all and every the obligations, rights,
powers and privileges, impofed on and granted to the felect veftries of the feveral
parifhes in this ftate, fhall be and they are hereby impofed on and vefled in the
felect veftry of faid Wafhington parifh, to be obferved, held and enjoyed, by
faid veftry, and their fucceffors, in as full and ample a manner as they are now
obferved, held and enjoyed, by any felect veftry of any parifh within this ftate.

&c. impofed,

An ACT to enable Legh Mafter, of Frederick county, to devife
certain eftates therein mentioned,

Paffed De-
cember 26.

And be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Legh Mafter, of
Frederick county, fhall be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to
give, devife and bequeath, by any laft will and teftament duly executed,
unto Legh Hofkins Mafter, fon of the faid Legh Mafter, or to the children, or
any of the children, of the faid Legh Hofkins Mafter, or to Catherine, daughter
of faid Legh Mafter, or to any of her children, which faid Legh Hofkins Mafter
and his children, and the faid Catherine, are now fubjects of the king of Great-
Britain, and refidents in England, all the fee-fimple eftate, lands, tenements,
hereditaments, and other property, which he the faid Legh Mafter fhall, at the
time of making his laft will, be feized, poffeffed of or entitled to, and compe-
tent to devife and bequeath, for fuch eftate and intereft therein, and under fuch
limitations and reftrictions, as fhall be in the faid will expreffed, limitted and con-
tained; and fuch devifes, bequeaths and difpofition thereof, fhall be held, deem-
ed and taken to be, good and valid in law, to all intents and purpofes whatfoever,
and the devifees therein mentioned fhall be as competent to take and hold the faid
eftates, as if they were refidents and citizens of this ftate.

L. Mafter
may devife
certain eftates,


II. And be it enacted, That unlefs the devifee or devifees named in the will of
the faid Legh Mafter, who at the time of his death fhall be fubjects of any fo-
reign ftate or kingdom, fhall, within two years thereafter, remove to, and be-
come citizens of, this ftate, this act, and every right to be acquired by virtue
thereof, fhall be void and of none effect.
D IIL Provided

Devifees to
remove, &c.

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Session Laws, 1794
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