owing to the faid deceafed fheriff and collector, within a certain time limitted by
the fame act: And whereas fundry caufes ftated in the petition of Robert Seney,
furviving adminiftrator of the aforefaid iheriff and collector, have prevented com-
pletion of the faid collection within the time limitted as aforefaid, and it appearing
reasonable and juft that further time fhould be allowed for the collection aforeiaid,
R. Seney em-
powered to
collect, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Robert
Seney be and he is hereby authorifed and empowered to collect, on or before the
firft day of October next, all balances owing as aforefaid to the faid deceafed
fheriff and collector, in manner following, to wit: That the aforefaid Robert
Seney, or fome perfon or perfons deputifed by him in the collection aforefaid,
fhall, at leaft ten days before execution or diftrefs of property for the arrearages
aforefaid, deliver to the perfon charged, or leave at his or her place of abode, an
account, ftating the taxes, and the amount of fees to the officers refpectively, or
fuch part thereof as may be claimed as due, and if the perlon or perfons owing
fuch taxes and officers fees fhall neglect or refufe to pay the feme, it fhall and
may be lawful for the faid Robert Seney to collect the fame by execution or dif-
trefs of property of the perfon or perfons fo refufing or neglecting, and to Mi
and difpofe thereof at public auction, at the expiration of ten days, exclufive of
the day of feizure and day of fale.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
An ACT to enable the juftices of the levy court of Queen-Anne's
county to fell and convey the property therein mentioned, and
for other purpofes.
WHEREAS it is reprefented, that a Warehoufe of Queen-Anne's coun-
ty, diftinguifhed by the name of Wells's Warehoufe, and the ground
and lot on which the fame is built, are public property, and that the
juftices of the peace for the faid county, at their meeting in January laft, difcon-
tinued the faid warehoufe as a public warehoufe; and it appears expectient and
neceffary that the fame fhould be fold for the benefit of the faid county,
Juftices to fell
the ware-
houfe, &c.
II; Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid juf-
tices of the levy court of Queen-Anne's county, or any five or more of them,
be and they are hereby authorifed and empowered to fell and convey the ware-
houfe aforefaid, and the lot of ground on which the fame is built, and all and
fingular the appertenancies thereto belonging, on fuch terms as they may think
proper, and to apply the money arifing therefrom to the payment of the county
charges of the county aforefaid.
And levy mo-
ney, &c.
III. And, whereas Brown's warehoufe in the county aforefaid has alfo been
difcontinued as a public warehoufe, and notwithftanding, the proprietor of the
faid warehoufe has permitted a large quantity of tobacco to continue therein,
without receiving any rent for the ufe of his faid property, and the laft infpector
of the faid warehoufe who received the faid tobacco is lately dead, and there is
no perfon authorifed to deliver out the fame; therefore, Be it enacted, That the
juftices of the levy court of Queen-Anne's county aforefaid, at the next term of
the faid court, fhall and they are hereby authorifed to levy on their faid county
fuch a fum as they, in their difcretion, fhall think a reafonable compenfation for
the ufe of the faid property, which faid fum fhall be paid by the collector to the
faid proprietor as other county collections are paid; and that the executor or act-
miniftrator of the late infpector fhall be and he is hereby inverted with all the
powers of an infpector, to deliver out the tobacco aforefaid.
Paffed De-
cember 26.
Veftrymen to
call a meet-
ing, &c.
A Further fupplement to an act, entitled. An act for the eftablifh-
ment of felect veftries.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That in cafe the inhabi-
tants of any parifh of this ftate have not repaired, or fhall not hereafter repair,
to their parifh church to choofe vestrymen and churchwardens, on the day