JOHN H. STONE, Efquire, Governor.
value of the whole amount put into the hands of the faid principal for collection,
which faid bond fhall be taken in double the fum to be colleded by the faid col-
ledor in his refpective diftrict, with condition to the like effed with the condi-
tions of bonds entered into by the collectors of the feveral counties of this ftate,
which faid bond fhall be witneffed by any three of the faid juftices, and by them
fhall forthwith be lodged in the clerk's office of the faid county, to be there re-
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid bonds, when executed as aforefaid, fhall
be a lien on the real eftates of the feveral collectors from the fealing and delivery
Bonds to be a
V. And be it enacted, That each colledor, appointed as aforefaid, after
having given bond as aforefaid, fhall have the fame power in his diftrict as is by
the laws of this ftate given to collectors in their refpective counties, and fhall be
entitled to a commiffion, not exceeding eight per cent, or lefs than fix per cent.
at the difcretion of the faid juftices of the levy court, on the amount of the
collection put into his hands, and fhall proceed to complete and fettle his collec-
tion in the fame manner, and within the fame time, and under like penalties,
with the collectors of the feveral counties.
Power given
to the colleec-
tors, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That this act fhall continue and be in force for the
term of three years, and to the end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall
happen thereafter.
An ACT to empower Philip Reed to colled the balances due him
as fheriff and collector of Kent county.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
Philio Reed, late Sheriff and collector of Kent county, that he was
elected fheriff of Kent county in the month of October, feventeen
hundred and ninety-one, and from that time has executed the office of fheriff of
Kent county, and has alfo been appointed and aded as colledtor of the public
taxes and county rates during the time aforefaid, for the county aforefaid; that
he was not appointed collector for the preient year until fome time in the month
of September, and that by reafon of great indifpofition he has not been able to
finifh his collection as fheriff and collector as aforefaid, but now has many ba-
lances due and unpaid as fheriff and colledor as aforefaid; and the faid Philip
Reed has prayed that he may be empowered to colled all fuch balances due and
unpaid as aforefaid, in the fame manner that he might have done during the time
of his commiflion and appointment in virtue of his faid feveral offices of fheriff
and colledor; and it appearing to this general affembly that the prayer of the
faid petition is reafonable,
Paffed De-
cember 26.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the faid Philip
Reed be and is hereby authorifed and empowered to take, demand, colled and
receive, all and every fum or fums of money, quantity or quantities of tobacco,
due him as fheriff and colledor of the public affeffment or county rates, in the
fame manner as he might have done were his feveral offices unexpired, and the
faid Philip Reed fhall be allowed until the firft day of June next to complete the
colledion of the balances aforefaid, and fhall be allowed the fame commiffion
upon the faid colledions that he would have been entitled to had his feveral of-
fices been unexpired.
P. Reed au-
thorisied to
collect, &c.
An ACT to allow further time for collecting the balances due to
Jonathan Sency, former fheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's
county, deceafed.
WHEREAS by an act of November feffion laft, the adminiftrators of
the aforefaid deceafed fheriff and colledor were authorifed and em-
powered to colled the arrearages of taxes and officers fees due and
C owing
Paffed De-
cember 26.