building the faid gaol, in addition to thofe already appointed, and with the like powers, and that any
three or a.ore of them have power to act.
WHEREAS Talbot Shipley, of Anne-Arundel county, hath, in a petition to this general affem-
bly, fet forth as follows, to wit: That whereas, by virtue of an act of affembly, paffed at Novem-
ber feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, chapter fifty-three, entitled, An act to lay out certain
roads in Anne-Arundel and Montgomery counties, and alfo by virtue of another act of affembly
paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-two, chapter thirty-five entitled An act to
eftablifh the road from Baltimore-town towards Frederick-town, by Ellicott's upper mills, as far as
the Poplar Spring, as a public road, and for other purpofes therein mentioned, and alfo by virtue of
another act of affembly, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-two, chapter
eighteen, entitled, An act to lay open a road to and from the mill of Benjamin Lawrence and Elias
Dorfey, on the weftern forks of Patapfco falls, the commiffioners, by the aforefaid refpective acts of
affembly appointed for the purpofe of laying out the faid roads, have marked, bounded and eftablifhed
all the faid public roads over the land of your petitioner, fo that your petitioner is now fubjected to
the inconvenience and expence of maintaining three public roads, in fact, all leading through his
land, from Baltimore to Frederick-town, whereby his farm is greatly divided and cut to pieces, with
very great and fenfible lofs to himfelf, and without the leaft advantage to the public; and the faid
Talbot Shipley hath prayed that a law may pafs to flop up the old road eftablifhed by the aforefaid act
of feventeen hundred and ninety-two, chapter thirty-five, from the place where the new road, opened
ant eftablifhed by the act of feventeen hundred and ninety-two, chapter eighteen, interfects the old
road leading from Baltimore-town to the Poplar Spring, and that the faid old road, or fo much of it
as runs through the land of the faid Talbot Shipley, and the law eftablifhing the fame, may be abo-
lifhed and repealed: And whereas it is doubtful what advantages or difadvantages would refult to the
public from making any alteration in the aforefaid roads, or either of them, and it appearing proper
that due information ought to be given to the general affembly in order that effectual juftice may be
rendered in the premifes; therefore, RESOLVED, That Reuben Merriweather, John Hood and Ri-
chard Dorfey, fon of John, be and are hereby appointed commiffioners to view the feveral roads
aforefaid, and to judge of the propriety or impropriety of flopping up the faid road as prayed for by
the faid Talbot Shipley, and that the faid commiffioners, or any two of them, report their opinion
on the fubject in writing, under their hands and feals, to the general affembly at their next feffion ;
provided, that all cofts and charges which may be incurred by the faid commiffioners in executing
their commiffion, fhall be paid and defrayed by the faid Talbot Shipley.
RESOLVED, That the judges of the high court of appeals be and they are hereby authorifed and
required, to confider and give their opinion at the enfuing court of appeals, or at the next court there-
after, upon the queftion of law lately referred to the judges of the general court by the chancellor,
when adjusting the accounts between the ftate and the fecurities of the late Thomas Williams, un-
der a refolution of November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety, and if fuch opinion fhall be in
favour of faid fecurities, the chancellor is hereby authorifed and requefted to make fuch decree, as
under all circumftances he fhall think juft and equitable; provided, that the original books of Thomas
Williams, and the books of the fecurities, fhall be produced to the chancellor; and that the regifter
in chancery be and he is hereby directed to fend a copy of the cafe in appeal to the attorney-general
of this ftate, on or before the firft day of March next.
RESOLVED, That Peter Hoffman, Thomas Beatty and Henry Griffith, junior, fupervifors
appointed by an act, entitled, An act relating to the public roads in Anne-Arundel, Baltimore and
Frederick counties, be and they are hereby directed and required to lay before the next general af-
fembly of this ftate, a full and fair account of all monies by them received by virtue of the afore-
faid act, alfo a full and fair account of all money by them respectively laid out and expended by vir-
tue of faid act, and by whom and for what ufe the fame fhall have been paid and expended.
WHEREAS the duties of the council to the governor will be considerably increafed by the act
to regulate and difcipline the militia of this ftate, and it being reafonable that fome compenfation
fhould be made for the duties required under the faid act; therefore, RESOLVED, That each member
of the council be allowed the enfuing year the fum of fifty pounds current money in addition to
the falary afcertained by law, and that the fame be paid in the manner the law now directs.
WHEREAS the duties of the clerk of the council to the governor will be confiderably increafed
by the appointments under the act to regulate and difcipline the militia of this ftate, and it is juft
and reafonable that fome compenfation fhould be given him for his additional trouble, RESOLVED,
That the clerk of the council fhall and he is hereby authorifed to charge one fhilling and ten-pence
halfpenny for each commiffion, and the faid fee to be paid by the perfon accepting the fame.
WHEREAS it appears to this general affembly, that the commiffioners for building a court-houfe
at Eafton, for the accommodation of the general court on the eaftern fhore, did not contract with
Cornelius Weft for painting the faid houfe, and it being neceffary for the prefervation of the fame,
that it fhould be painted, RESOLVED, That the commiffioners for building a court-houfe at Eafton,
in Talbot county, for the accommodation of the general court on the eaftern fhore, be and they are
hereby authorifed to draw on the treafurer of the weftern fhore for the fum of eighty pounds, for
the purpofe of painting the faid court-houfe, and the faid treafurer is hereby empowered and directed
to pay to the faid commiffioners, or to the major part of them, or to their orders, the aforefaid fum,
out of any money in the treafury, after the payment of the civil lift and the journal of accounts of
this prefent feffion.
RESOLVED, That the thanks of this general affembly be and they are hereby given to Chrifto-
pher Richmond, agent appointed to fettle the accounts of this ftate with the United States, and to
his affiftant John Wright, for the ability, diligence, and faithful attention to the interefts of this
ftate, with which they have discharged the trufts repofed in them.