WHEREAS the United States may think it neceffary to erect a fort, arfenal, or other military,
works or buildings, on Whetftone Point, for the public defence; therefore, RESOLVED, That upon
the application of the prefident of the United States to the governor, for permiffion to erect a fort,
arfenal, or other military works, on the faid Point, for the purpofe aforefaid, the governor fhall and
may grant the fame, with the confent of the owner of the foil.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore, on the application of James Hutchings,
of Queen-Anne's county, iffue to the faid James Hutchings, or his affigns, a certificate for the fum
of £. 393 74, bearing an intereft of fix per cent, from the time of iffuing the fame; provided the
chancellor fhall be of opinion, on evidence to be produced to him, that a trail: of land called Billingham,
commonly known by the name of the Homony Pot, which was lately recovered by the ftate of Ma-
ryland againft Charles Steuart, of Anne-Arundel county, was held by Robert Smith in truft for the
late Sir Robert Eden, deceafed, and fhall certify fuch opinion in writing to the treafurer.
A LIST of the LAWS paffed laft S E S S I O N.
C H A P.
AN ACT for the benefit of Jofeph Johnfon, of Charles county.
An ACT to fettle and afcertain the falary of members of the council for the enfuing year.
An ACT to alter and change the name of George Wafhington Eyers to George Wafhington
An ACT for valuing the lot or lots of ground in Upper-Marlborough, in Prince-George's coun-
ty, on which the infpecting houfes ftand, and for paying the proprietor the value thereof.
An ACT to prevent fheep and fwine from going at large in the town of Cumberland, in Allegany
An ACT concerning Temple-ftreet, in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county.
An ACT to eftablifh the road from the Turkey Foot road towards Braddock's road as a public
road, and for other purpofes therein mentioned.
An ACT to authorife the juftices of Dorchefter county to affefs and levy a fum of money on
the inhabitants of faid county for the purpofe therein mentioned.
A Supplement to the aft, entitled, An act to eftablifh a market in Elizabeth-town, in Wafhing-
fon county, and for the regulation of the fame.
A Bill, entitled, An act for the relief of Walter Smith.
An ACT to aid the proceedings of Allegany county court, and for the adjournment of faid
An ACT to open a road through part of Frederick and Baltimore counties to Lawrence and
Dorfey's mills on Patapfco Falls.
An ACT to enable the inhabitants of Saint John's parifh, lying in Queen-Anne's and Caroline
counties, to elect veftrymen and churchwardens for faid parifh.
An ACT further extending the exclufive privilege granted to Gabriel Peterfon Vanhorn and
Robert Hodgfon, by certain acts of this ftate, to keep and run ftage carriages.
An ACT for altering the time of holding the orphans court in Allegany county.
An ACT for building a court houfe and gaol for Allegany county, at the town of Cumber-
An ACT to eftablifh the road leading from Crooked Run, in Worcefter county, to Saint
Martin's Landing, as a public road.
An ACT to increafe the allowance to jurymen of the general court, and the feveral county
courts, in this ftate.
An ACT to confirm the title of certain lots of ground to the fociety of people called Quakers,
in Baltimore-town, whereon is their meeting-houfe and burying-ground.
A Supplement to an aft, entitled, An act for the infpection of falted provifions exported and
imported from and to the town of George-town, in Montgomery county.
A Supplement to an aft, entitled, An act to eftablifh a market at the market-houfe in
Chefter-town, in Kent county, and for the regulation of the faid market.
An ACT to continue an act, entitled, An act for the better adminiftration of juftice in the feveral
counties of this ftate, and the fupplementary acts thereto.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the relief of the poor in Dorchefter and
Somerfet counties.
An ACT to lay out a road from Francis Snowden's mill, in Baltimore county, to the great
falls of Patapfco, at or near Solomon Alien's mill, where the great road croffes faid falls, and
to lay out a road from the faid Snowden's mill to interfect the old road leading from Baltimore
to Liberty-town.
An ACT to extend to certain foreigners the benefit of an act paffed November feffion, one
thoufand feven hundred and ninety-two, entitled, An act for the relief of certain foreigners
who have fettled within this ftate, further fupplementary to the act for naturalization.
An ACT to revive and aid the proceedings of the orphans court of Montgomery county.
An ACT for vetting in Thomas Cockey Deye, and his heirs, all the right and intereft of the
ftate of Maryland in and to a tract of land called Lancafter.
An ACT for the relief of William Benfon, and for other purpofes.
An ACT to eftablifh a bank in the diftrict of Columbia.
An ACT to empower John Seney and Robert Seney, adminiftrators of Jonathan Seney, to collect
the balances due to Jonathan Seney as fheriff and collector of Queen-Anne's county.
An ACT to lay off and open two roads in Allegany county.
An ACT for the relief of Elam Bailey, of Baltimore county.
An ACT to define and afcertain the powers of the governor on the fubject therein mentioned.
An ACT refpecting the ftealing and counterfeiting of bank notes or checks.
An ACT to repeal, conditionally, an aft, entitled, An act for the relief of William Whetcroft,
of the city of Annapolis, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and feventy-nine.
An ACT to eftablifh the right of a lot called Charity Lot, in Eaft Nottingham, Caecil
county, to truftees, in truft for the inhabitants of faid townfhip for the ufe of a fchool.