fecurity as the governor and council may think proper, to return the faid arms in good order whene-
ver it fhall be required.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore do and he is hereby authorifed to releafe Hen-
ry Ennalls, of Dorchefter county, from the payment of fifty-one pounds four fhillings, being the amount
of the improvements found on a piece of vacant land taken up by him, adjoining a tract of land called
Muir's Good Luck, lying and being in Dorchefter county.
RESOLVED, That a committee be appointed in the town of Baltimore, who fhall have power to
draw on the treafurer of the weftern fhore weekly, from the firft day of December next, for the fum of
five hundred dollars, until the fecond day of February, for the fubfiftence of the diftreffed French ci-
tizens now in this ftate, from Saint-Domingo: Provided, that if the congrefs of the United States fhall
meet, and make provifion for thofe unfortunate fufferers, before that period, then the power of the faid
committee to draw on the faid treafurer fhall ceafe.
RESOLVED, That William Patterfon, Guftavus Scott and Samuel Sterett, be a committee for the
purpofes mentioned in the foregoing refolution.
RESOLVED, That the proclamation lately iffued by the governor, during the exiftence of a malig-
nant contagious fever in the city of Philadelphia, be and is hereby approved, as being the refult of a pru-
dent and watchful attention to the fafety of the people of this ftate, and not only juftified by circum-
ftances, but indifpenfably requifite for protecting our citizens from a dreadful calamity, with which they
were threatened.
RESOLVED, That it is the decided fenfe of this general affembly, that the true intereft of this
country will be beft promoted by obferving an impartial neutrality in the prefent war among the
powers of Europe, confiftent with the exifting treaties of the United States; that the proclamation of
the prefident of the United States, of the twenty-fecond of April laft, was wifely calculated to pre-
ferve this neutrality; and that the interference of any foreign power with the internal politics and go-
vernment of this country, is unjuftifiable and dangerous.
RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore credit the bond of Benjamin Cawood with
fuch fum as fhall appear to him to be due to faid Cawood from the ftate, for taxes and affeffments
on the property belonging to the ftate, and to allow faid Cawood intereft on the fame.
RESOLVED, That no fuit fhall be commenced, nor execution fhall iffue, againft Benjamin Ca-
wood, and his fecurities, of Charles county, on their bond to the ftate, paffed 30th day of July,
1790, for the third payment, until the firft day of December, 1794.
RESOLVED, That upon application of the faid Jofeph Forman to the treafurer of the weftern fhore,
he fhall be authorifed, and is hereby directed, to pay to him, out of any unappropriated monies, the
fum of eighteen pounds and nine-pence, the amount of the judgment obtained againft him, with in-
tereft from the 27th of September, 1783, the time when it appears the faid Jofeph Forman paid to
the deputy of the ftate's commiffary fifty-three bufhels of wheat, then equal in value to eighteen
pounds and nine-pence, and for which he has never had credit with the ftate.
RESOLVED, That the attorney-general be and he is hereby declared to fufpend and difcharge all
procefs and executions againft John Wilkins, and Leah Wilkins, adminiftratrix of Samuel Wilkins,
late of Somerfet county, deceafed, which are now depending in any court of law in this ftate, on ac-
count of the purchafe money of a certain negro, fold by the late intendant of the revenue to the afore-
faid John Wilkins and Samuel Wilkins, and for which purchafe money the faid John Wilkins and
Samuel Wilkins paffed their bond to the ftate on the eighth day of April, feventeen hundred and
eighty-five; and that the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is hereby directed to deliver up the
faid bond to the faid John Wilkins.
RESOLVED, That no execution fhall iffue on the judgment obtained by the ftate of Maryland
againft Patrick Hamilton, Bafil Williams and John Crookfhanks, any or cither of them, until the
firft day of October, feventeen hundred and ninety-four; provided, that the faid Bafil Williams, on
or before the firft day of March next, by writing, under hand and feal, authorife and empower the
ftate agent, immediately thereafter, to fell and difpofe of three hundred and fifteen acres of land in
Caecil county, called Lum's Lot and Stoney Range, for the ufe and benefit of the ftate, to be fold
for cafh or credit, at the election of the agent, fo as beft to fecure and promote the intereft of the
ftate and the petitioners; and provided alfo, that the faid petitioners, or one of them, caufe to be
affigned to the ftate, as a collateral fecurity for their debt, on or before the firft day of March next, a
bond now in fuit in the general court of the eaftern fhore, paffed by Turbutt Wright, Solomon
Wright and Clement Sewall, on the thirtieth of November, feventeen hundred and feventy-one, to
Patrick Hamilton, in the penalty of three thoufand pounds current money, to be applied, when re-
covered and received, to the payment of fo much of their debt to the ftate of Maryland.
WHEREAS it appears to this general affembly, that Jofeph Dawfon, late a foldier in the fifth Mary-
land regiment, is entitled to a Jot of land, but as he cannot now obtain the fame, the furplus lots, after
fupplying the army, having been fold; RESOLVED, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore be and he is
hereby authorifed and directed to pay unto Jofeph Dawfon the fum of nine pounds feven fhillings and fix-
pence, in lieu of the lot of land to which he is entitled.
WHEREAS John Hall, Brice Thomas Beale Worthington, James Brice, William Hall, the 3d,
and Charles Wallace, are appointed commiffioners by law for the purpofe of building a gaol in Anne-
Arundel county, and a meeting of the faid commiffioners cannot be readily and frequently had, fo as to
carry on and complete the bufinefs of the faid building, on account of the indifpofition of two of the
faid commiffioners, and the diftant refidence of another, RESOLVED, That John Randall and James
Mackubin, of the city of Annapolis, be and they are hereby appointed commiffioners for the purpofe of