THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
VII. And, whereas there are ftill fome balances due to this ftate upon fales of
confifcated property unbonded for, and it appears to this general affembly that in
fome cafes the purchafers are unable to make payment, and the property is be-
coming daily of lefs value, Be it enacted, That the faid agent, with the appro-
bation of the governor and council, be authorifed to releafe any of the faid pur-
chafers who are unable to pay, from their purchafes, and take back the property
for the ufe of the ftate; and the faid agent, with the approbation of the governor
and council, may make compofition with the faid purchafers for the ufe of the
faid property, and take bonds for the fame to the ftate, with fufficient fecurity,
and give time for payment, not exceeding three years from the firft day of De-
cember, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, always requiring an annual payment
of the intereft, and equal annual payments of the principal; and any property
taken back the faid agent fhall difpofe of in the fame manner as he is before au-
thorifed to difpofe of confifcated Britifh property unfold, and to take bonds in the
fame manner for the purchafe money, and on the fame credit and terms; pro-
vided, that in no cafe fhall the ftate refund any part of the principal or intereft
paid by fuch purchafers.
C H A P.
And may re-
leafe purcha-
fers, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the governor and council be authorifed, if they
fhall think it neceffary, to require new bond and fecurity from any debtor who
has not inftalled, and to limit a time within which fuch new bond and fecurity
fhall be given, and if the fame be not given within the time fo limitted, they
fhall direct the faid agent to caufe procefs to iffue on the bonds of fuch debtors,
and their fecurities, or to proceed on any execution already iffued and ferved and
fufpended, as the cafe may require, for the whole principal and intereft due from
fuch debtors; and in all fuch cafes it fhall be lawful for the faid agent, and he is
hereby authorifed, under the direction of the governor and council, if they fhall
think it to the advantage of the ftate, to take back the faid property and difpofe
of the fame on a credit of three years from the firft day of December, feventeen
hundred and ninety-three, always requiring annual payment of intereft, and equal
annual payments of the principal; and in all fuch cafes where judgments may
have been obtained, and where execution may have iffued or fhall iffue, it fhall
and may be lawful for the faid agent, and he is hereby required, to difpofe of all
the property of the debtors thus circumftanced, on a like credit of three years
from the firft day of December, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, always re-
quiring annual payment of the intereft, and equal annual payments of the prin-
cipal; and the faid agent fhall lay before the legiflature, at their next meeting, a
lift of all perfons from whom property fhall be taken back by virtue of this act,
together with the amount of the former fales, and alfo of the fales made in virtue
of this act.
New bond
may be re-
quired, &c.
IX. And be it enacted, That if any bond debtor to the ftate, for confifcated
property purchafed, or otherwife, fhall neglect to make payment, agreeably to the
condition of his bond, and fundry refolves of the general affembly, the faid agent
fhall caufe procefs to iffue for the whole principal and intereft then due, or fhall
proceed on any execution already iffued and ferved and fufpended as aforefaid, as
occafion may require.
Debtors may
be fued, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all balances due on bonds taken for taxes due before the firft of Ja-
nuary, feventeen hundred and eighty-three; and the faid agent fhall alfo fuperin-
tend the collection of all balances due on bonds inftalled, or otherwife, for the
emiffions of paper money of feventeen hundred and fixty-nine and feventeen hun-
dred and feventy-three.
Agent to fu-
perintend the
XL And be it enacted, That no procefs fhall iffue againft any of the public
debtors, unlefs by the direction of the faid agent.
No procefs to
iffue, &c.
XII. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall have power to fix fuch days
for the fale of property, taken by fan facias at the fuit of the ftate, as he may
think proper, always taking care to give at leaft twenty days notice thereof; and
Agent to fix
days, &c.