C H A P.
the faid agent fhall alfo have power to fufpend the fales, from time to time, as he
may think moft to the advantage of the ftate.
And pay in
fpecie, &c.
XIII. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall pay into the treafury, in
fpecie, the amount of all fpecie by him received in the difcharge of the duties of
this act.
Bonds taken
to be a lien,
XIV. And be it enacted, That in all cafes where bonds fhall be taken in virtue
of this act, the bonds fhall be a lien on all the real property of the obligors from
the date thereof, or on fo much of the faid real property as the governor and the
council fhall think fufficient, to be particularly mentioned in a fchedule to be an-
nexed to the faid bond, in which cafe it fhall be a lien on the property contained
in fuch fchedule, and no more, fuch bond and fchedule to be lodged with the
treafurer of the weftern fhore.
And to exprefs
the county,
XV. And be it enacted, That all bonds taken in virtue of this act fhall ex-
prefs the county in which the obligors refpectively refide, and the treafurer of the
weftern fhore fhall, within one month after he receives them refpectively, caufe
them, with the fchedules annexed to them, to be recorded in the office of the
clerk of the general court of the weftern fhore at the expence of the obligors ;
and a copy of the faid record, certified under the hand and official feal of the
faid clerk, fhall be as good evidence in any court of law or equity in this ftate as
the original bond would be if it was produced; and if any of the obligors in any
fuch bonds refide on the eaftern fhore, the faid treafurer fhall, within fix months
from the time he receives the fame refpectively, tranfmit to the clerk of the ge-
neral court of the eaftern fhore, in the fame manner that papers on public fervice
are tranfmitted, a copy of fuch bonds and fchedules, certified as aforefaid by the
clerk of the general court of the weftern fhore, to be recorded in the office of
the clerk of the general court of the eaftern fhore, at the expence of the obligors,
and in fuch cafe a copy of the faid record, certified as aforefaid by the faid
clerk of the general court of the eaftern fhore, fhall be good evidence as afore-
Agent to ren-
der a fair ac-
count, &c.
XVI. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall render a fair and full ac-
count of his feveral proceedings under the authority of this act to the general
affembly at their next feffion, and fhall be allowed for his fervices the following
commiffions, to wit: For all payments made to either of the treafurers on bonds
for confifcated property, one per cent, for all bonds with fecurity, taken by the
faid agent on refales of confifcated property in virtue of this act, two and a half
per cent, for all monies collected on open accounts, not including fines, forfeitures
and amerciaments, ordinary, retailers, marriage, hawkers and pedlers licences,
which have become due fince the firft day of January, feventeen hundred and
ninety-one, fix per cent, and for all other monies or bonds, paid in or taken in
virtue of this act, one and a half per cent.
And give
bond, &c.
XVII. And be it enacted, That the faid agent, before he enters upon the exe-
cution of the duties of this act, fhall give bond to the ftate, before the governor
and the council, in the penalty of twenty thoufand pounds current money, with
fuch fecurity as the governor and council fhall approve, for the faithful per-
formance of the faid duties, which bond fhall be lodged with the treafurer of the
weftern fhore, and fhall alfo take an oath before the chancellor, that he will well
and faithfully difcharge the duties of agent, under the act, entitled, An act to
appoint an agent for the year one thoufand feven hundred and ninety-four, to
the beft of his fkill and judgment; the certificate of which oath fhall be annexed
to, or endorfed on, the faid bond.
How a vacan-
cy is to be
XVIII. And be it enacted, That if the faid agent fhall not accept his appoint-
ment, or if after acceptance he fhall not give bond and take the oath aforefaid
before the firft day of February next, or fhall die, the governor and the council
are hereby authorifed and requefted to appoint a fit and proper perfon in his place,
who fhall have and execute all the authorities and powers vefted in the faid Ran-