L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An agent ap-
pointed, &c.
An ACT to appoint an agent for the year one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-four.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Randolph Branch
Latimer be agent of this ftate, to execute the truft and power repofed in
him by virtue of this ad, from the firft day of January, one thoufand
feven hundred and ninety-four, until the firft day of January, one thoufand feven
hundred and ninety-five.
Who fhall fu-
perintend the
collection of
all arrearages,
II. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fuperintend the collection of all ar-
rearages and balances due from the feveral collectors of the refpective counties
within this ftate, appointed fince the firft day of January, feven teen hundred and
eighty-three; and the faid agent is hereby authorifed and required to call upon
the treafurers of the refpective fhores for an accurate ftatement of all arrearages
and balances due from fuch collectors, and fuch account fhall be furnifhed by the
faid treafurers accordingly.
Of all balances
on the audi-
tor's books,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all balances due to the ftate on the auditor's books; and the faid
agent fhall have power to require payment of, and if neceffary to fue for and re-
cover the fame; and the faid agent, with the approbation of the governor and
council, may make compofition with any fuch debtors, and take bonds to the
ftate, with fufficient fecurity, and give time for payment, not exceeding three
years from the firft day of December, feven teen hundred and ninety-three, always
requiring annual payment of the intereft, and equal annual payments of the prin-
And all mo-
nies due for
duties, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid agent be authorifed to fuperintend the
collection of all monies due to the ftate for duties, fines, penalties, forfeitures and
amerciaments, and forfeited recognizances, and for ordinary, retailers and marri-
age licences, and to require payment, and (if neceffary) fue for and recover the
fame; and the faid agent may allow for infolvencies, and credit any money that
the party is not chargeable with by law; and for his information of the law he
may take the advice of the attorney-general.
Notice to be
given of fales,
V. And be it enacted, That wherever there fhall be occafion to expofe to fale
the property of any collector, or his fecurities, by virtue of any execution already
iffued, or to be directed for this purpofe, the agent fhall caufe public notice to be
given of fuch fale, and fhall attend the fame, and if it fhall appear that there is
danger of lofing any part of the debt due to the ftate, and not otherwife, fhall
purchafe any property fo expofed to fale, for the ufe of the ftate, in payment, or
part payment, as the cafe may be, of the arrearages due by the collectors whofe
property may be fo purchafed; and any property fo purchafed for the ufe of the
ftate, the faid agent may again expofe to public auction on the moft advantageous
terms for the ufe of the ftate, and if the fame be fold on credit, the faid agent
fhall take bond, with good and fufficient fecurity, to be approved of by the trea-
furer of the weftern fhore, from the purchafers of fuch property; and all bonds
by him fo taken fhall be depofited, with an accurate lift thereof fubfcribed by
him, into the treafury of the weftern fhore, and fhall be a lien upon the real pro-
perty of fuch purchafers and their fecurities from the refpective dates, or fo much
thereof as is mentioned in the fchedule thereto annexed.
Agent to dif-
pofe of certain
property, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That the faid agent fhall have power to difpofe of all
confifcated Britifh property that remains unfold, except the property of Edmund
Jenings, of the city of London, and of Thomas Digges, formerly of Maryland,
but now refiding in Europe, and take bonds to the ftate, with fufficient fecurity,
and give time for payment, not exceeding three years from the firft day of De-
cember, feventeen hundred and ninety-three, always requiring annual payment of
the intereft, and equal annual payments of the principal.