THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
empower the juftices of Caecil county to ftreighten and amend the public roads
in faid county, and to levy the expences attending the fame on the affeffable pro-
perty of faid county, paffed November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-one,
except fo far as relates to the roads already laid out by the commiffioners of faid
county, fhall ceafe to be in force, and are hereby repealed, fo far as relates to
Caecil county.
C H A P.
An ACT to continue the ads of affembly therein mentioned.
Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That an act, entitled,
An act to regulate public ferries, paffed at November feffion, feventeen
hundred and eighty-one, and a fupplement thereto, palled at April feffion,
feventeen hundred and eighty-two, and an additional fupplement thereto, paffed
at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, be and they are hereby
continued, and fhall remain in full force until the thirtieth day of October next,
and until the end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall happen thereafter.
That another act, entitled, An act refpecting the equity jurifdiction of the county
courts, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-one, and a
fupplement thereto, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and ninety-
two, be and they are hereby continued, and fhall remain in full force until the
thirtieth day of October next, and until the end of the next feffion of affembly
which fhall happen thereafter. That one other act, entitled, An act relating to
the eftates of deceafed perfons, paffed at November feffion, feventeen hundred and
feventy-nine, be and the fame is hereby continued, and fhall remain in full force
until the thirtieth day of October next, and until the end of the next feffion of
affembly which fhall happen thereafter.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
Several acts
An ACT relative to appeals to be profecuted or injunctions to be
obtained by executors or adminiftrators.
WHEREAS injuftice may be done to executors and adminiftrators from
the nature of the bonds at prefent required from them on obtaining
writs of error, and injunctions out of the court of chancery,
Paffed De-
cember 28.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That hereafter, when
an application fhall be made to the faid court by any executor or adminiftrator
for a writ of error to remove a caufe from the county court to the general court,
or from the general court to the court of appeals, the chancellor, on a ftatement
by fuch executor or adminiftrator of fads, fupported by affidavit, or other proof,
fhall have power and difcretion to prefcribe the penalty of the appeal bond, which
by law is in fuch cafes directed to be taken.
Chancellor to
prefcribe the
penalty, &c.
on removal,
III. And be it enacted, That whenever an application fhall be made to the
court of chancery by bill, in the ufual manner, for an injunction to ftay pro-
ceedings at law, the chancellor fhall have full power and difcretion to prefcribe
the penalty of a bond, which fhall be executed to the plaintiff or plaintiffs at
law, with a furety or fureties approved by the chancellor, before the faid injunc-
tion fhall be granted; that the condition of the faid bond fhall be, to perform
fuch order or decree as the chancellor fhall finally pafs in the caufe on the hearing
of both parties; and that whenever an injunction fhall be obtained from the
court of chancery by an executor or adminiftrator, on filing a bill and executing
a bond as aforefaid, the chancellor fhall have full power and difcretion to decree
againft fuch executor or adminiftrator, as equity and good conference fhall to the
chancellor feem to require.
And on in-
junction, &c.
IV. and be it enacted, That this act fhall have the fame duration and con-
tinuance as is limitted to the act for enlarging the power of the high court of