THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
the faid freeholders, having firft made oath before fome juftice of the peace, that
they will, without favour, affection, prejudice or partiality, affefs the damages
fuftained by the perfon or perfons at whofe requeft fuch inquifition fhall be, taken,
by reafon of opening the aforefaid road through his, her or their land, fhall there-
upon proceed to affefs and value the damages accordingly, of which the faid com-
miffioners fhall have had at leaft five days previous notice, and fhall return the
damages fo affeffed to the faid juftice of the peace, and fuch inquifition and va-
luation fhall be final and conclufive; and the party or parties in whofe favour the
valuation afcertained by the faid commiffioners, or the damages affeffed by the
faid freeholders, fhall be made, fhall be entitled to receive the fame from the faid
commiffioners; and the faid commiffioners fhall pay, or fecure to be paid, the
amount of the faid valuation or damages, to the refpective parties entitled to the
fame, out of the monies to be raifed and collected from the fubfcriptions to the
faid road, within the fpace of fix months after the affeffment of fuch valuation
or damages, and before they fhall proceed to affect the lands and tenements of the
perfon or perfons concerned.
C H A P.
An ACT to confirm the title of the felect veftry of Saint-John's
parifh, in Prince-George's county, in and to three acres of
ground in faid parifh.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
WHEREAS the felect veftry of Saint-John's parifh, formerly called
King George's parifh, in Prince-George's county, by their petition
to this general affembly, have prayed an act may pafs, enabling them
to afcertain the bounds of three acres of ground, lying in faid parifh, whereon
the chapel has been erected, and confirming their title to the fame: And whereas
an act paffed at May feffion, feventeen hundred and forty-four, empowering the
veftry of faid parifh to purchafe three acres of ground, to build a chapel of eafe
thereon; in purfuance thereof, the faid veftry did purchafe the faid quantity of
ground, and erect a chapel of eafe thereon; and doubts have arifen refpecting
the title to, and location of, faid three acres of land, an act paffed at May feffion,
feventeen hundred and forty-eight, empowering the juftices of Prince-George's
county to caufe the faid three acres of ground to be laid out by the county fur-
Veyor, and to be fecurely butted and bounded, and valued by a jury, the return
of the jury, under their hands and feals, and the hand and feal of the fheriff,
together with the furveyor's certificate of furvey, to be entered among the records,
and alfo the furveyor's certificate as aforefaid, to be entered in the parifh regifter
book; the faid furvey, valuation and recording, thus made, to veft an abfolute
eftate in fee in three acres of ground aforefaid in the faid veftry, and their
fucceffors, for the ufe of the parifh: And whereas the faid three acres of ground
were accordingly laid out, butted and bounded, but from fome neglect or acci-
dent the certificate of furvey and valuation have never been recorded, and the
bounds and courfes of the faid three acres of ground have become doubtful and
uncertain, and it feems reafonable to this general affembly that the title fhould be
confirmed in the faid land, which has been fo long held by a quiet, peaceable,
and uninterrupted poffeffion, and the bounds thereof fhould be eftablifhed and
fecured; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the felect veftry
of Saint-John's parifh, in Prince-George's county, for the time being, be and
they are hereby authorifed and empowered to employ, at the expence of faid
veftry, the furveyor of Prince-George's county, to furvey the faid three acres of
ground, according to the beft evidence which can be procured as to the original
bounds and location thereof, the faid felect veftry giving ten days notice of the
time of meeting to make faid furvey to all perfons interefted in the lands im-
mediately furrounding the faid three acres of ground; and the certificate of faid
furvey fhall be recorded among the records of Prince-George's county, and when
recorded, the faid veftry fhall be and they are hereby vefted with an eftate in the
faid three acres of ground, to them and their fucceffors for ever, in fee-fimple,
for the ufe of the faid parifh; provided, that nothing in this act fhall prejudice the
Veftry may
employ the
furveyor, &c.