C H A P.
miffions, as if fuch tract had been contained wholly in one county; or wholly
in this ftate.
Affirmation to
be valid, &c.
V. And, whereas doubts have been entertained, whether any quaker, menonift
or tunker, can act as a furveyor or chain carrier under the act to which this a
fupplement; therefore, Be it enacted, That from and after the paffage of this
act, an affirmation made by any quaker, menonift or tunker, fhall be as valid as
an oath, in order to qualify the faid quaker, menonift or tunker, either as a fur-
veyor or chain carrier.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT for ftreightening and amending the road from the town
of Cumberland, in Allegany county, which interfects the road
leading from Union-town, in Pennfylvania, at the Winding-
WHEREAS the ftate of Pennfylvania hath laid out, opened and amend-
ed, a road from Union-town, in Fayette county, to the divifion line:
And whereas the faid road will be of no benefit unlefs this ftate
ftreighten and amend the road from the town of Cumberland to interfect the faid
road at the Winding-Ridge; and it appearing to this general affembly that the
fame will be of confiderable advantage to this ftate, by opening a better commu-
nication with the Weftern country; therefore,
ers appointed,
Who may ap-
point a trea-
furer, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That George Dent,
William M'Mahon and Evan Gwynne, or any two of them, be and they are
hereby appointed commiffioners, to furvey, ftreighten and amend, at the expence
of thofe who have or may fubfcribe to the fame, a road not exceeding forty feet
in width, in the beft and moft convenient direction from the town of Cumber-
land, in Allegany county, to a tract of land called Good Will, and from thence to
interfect the main road from Union-town, in the ftate of Pennfylvania, where
the faid road enters this ftate at the Winding-Ridge; and the faid road, when fo
opened at the expence of the perfons aforefaid, and the valuation herein after di-
rected to be made fhall be paid, or fecured to be paid, to the individuals con-
cerned, fhall be recorded among the records of Allegany county, and be thereaf-
ter deemed and taken to be a public road for ever.
III. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners may appoint one of their
number as treafurer, and give him a certificate under their hands of his appoint-
ment, who is hereby enjoined and empowered to collect and receive all monies
fubfcribed, or that may be fubfcribed, for the purpofes aforefaid, and fuch fub-
fcribers are hereby directed to pay their feveral fubfcriptions to the treafurer ap-
pointed as aforefaid, or to his order; and if any perfons fhall neglect or refufe,
when applied to by the faid treafurer, or any perfon authorifed by him, to pay his
fubfcription money, the faid treafurer, or perfon by him authorifed, may and he
is hereby authorifed and directed to fue for, recover, and receive the fame; and
the faid monies, when received, fhall be applied by the commiffioners, or any
two of them, to the purpofes of this act.
And afcertain
damages, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners aforefaid fhall afcertain and
value what damages may be fuftained by any perfon or perfons through whofe
land the faid road may pafs by opening the fame, and the faid valuation fhall be
made before the faid commiffioners fhall proceed to open the fame; provided al-
ways, that if any perfon or perfons through whofe land the faid road fhall pafs
or his, her or their guardian or truftee, fhall conceive themfelves aggrieved by
fuch valuation and affeffment of damages by the faid commiffioners, it fhall and
may be lawful for any juftice of the peace of the county in which fuch aggrieved
perfons refide, on application of the party interefted, to iffue his warrant, under
hand and feal, directed to any conftable of the county, commanding him to fum-
mon five freeholders, difinterefted as to the faid road, to appear, on a day by him
to be appointed, on the land of the perfon making application as aforefaid, and