C H A P.
right of any perfon who may think him or herfelf injured by fuch furvey, and who
fhall commence an action againft the faid veftry for the recovery of his or her
claim within five years from the paffing of this act, nor fhall the right of any perfon
be prejudiced, who, at the time of paffing this act, is under the age of twenty-
one years, non compos mentis, out of this ftate, or a feme-covert, if fuch perfon,
or his or her heirs or affigns, fhall profecute an action againft the faid veftry for
the recovery of his or her claim within five years after he or fhe fhall arrive at
the age of twenty-one years, or become compos mentis, or return to this ftate, or
become uncovert, or die, during fuch infancy, infanity, abfence from the ftate,
or coverture.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to regulate and repair the public roads in Caecil county.
WHEREAS the mode for repairing the roads in Caecil county under the
prefent exifting laws, is found by experience to be unequal to the
purpofes intended, and partial and unjuft in its operations, and it
feems expedient for the good of the county, and convenience of the people, to
provide a more effectual method, and to veft in proper perfons a power of
laying out new, and ftreightening and amending old, roads in faid county; there-
Juftices to
meet, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the peace for Caecil county, or any five of them, fhall and they are hereby em-
powered and required to meet at their court-houfe on the firft Monday in March
next, and in each fucceeding year, during the continuance of this act, at the
ufual time of holding their levy court, and at every fuch annual meeting to levy,
by equal affeffment on the affeffable property within their faid county, a fum of
money not exceeding three fhillings and nine-pence on every hundred pounds of
affeffable property in faid county, to be collected as other county taxes are, which
fhall be paid to the juftices of the levy court, or their order, to be applied towards
ftreightening, laying out and amending, roads in the faid county; and the faid juf-
tices, or any five of them, fhall have full power and authority to appropriate the
funds arifing from the faid tax to the faid roads, and to anticipate the collection
of the faid tax, by permitting, if expedient, the fupervifor or fupervifors to ac-
cept of labour in lieu thereof, by iffuing orders to thofe by whom fuch labour
may be rendered, to be difcounted in taxes with the collector of the county in
difcharge of monies for that particular tax.
On applicati-
on to appoint
three perfons.
III. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the levy court, or any five of
them, on application in writing, figned by a majority of the inhabitants of any
hundred or hundreds through which any road may pafs, to eftablifh a new public
road, or to ftreighten any old road heretofore laid out as a public road, fhall have
power and authority to appoint three difcreet perfons, freeholders in faid county,
commiffioners, to view, furvey and plot, the faid road fo applied for, and make
a return thereof to the faid court at their next meeting, who, on receiving fuch
plot or plots, fhall examine the fame, and all evidence that fhall or may be offered
for or againft the faid road, as returned, and if difapproved, may reject the fame,
or may direct the faid commiffioners to alter and amend the faid plot, and when
approved, fhall direct them to mark and bound faid road or roads accordingly,
and direct a fupervifor or fupervifors to clear and improve the fame, in the fame
manner, and on the fame terms, as other roads heretofore laid out, and upon
completing the fame, the faid road fhall be deemed a public road, and fhall be
kept in repair as all other public roads in faid county are by this law directed to
be kept; provided, that if any perfon fhall think himfelf aggrieved by the alter-
ation of any old road, or by the running of any new road, he may appeal from
the determination of the faid juftices to the next county court of Caecil county,
who fhall have full power either to reject or confirm the road afcertained by the
faid juftices, or to make fuch alteration thereof as they may think proper, and
their decifion fhall be final.