T H O M A S S I M L E E, Efquire, Governor.
his or her affeffment, and the fame fhall be payable to the faid bailiff, , by every
fuch perfon, within the term of twenty days after rendering fuch account, and
if not then paid, it fhall be lawful for the faid bailiff, and he is hereby required,
to proceed to the collection thereof, if neceffary, by feizure and fale of the goods
or chattels of every perfon refufing or delaying to pay fuch affeffment; and the
faid bailiff fhall account for the amount of fuch affeffment with the faid com-
miffioners, at or before the end of two months after the receipt of every fuch
lift of affeffment, and pay the fums collected, under the penalty of ten pounds
current money.
C H A P.
XXIII. And be it enacted, That the feveral penalties and forfeitures which
may be incurred by any perfon in virtue of this act, fhall be recovered before any
juftice of the peace of the faid county, upon the complaint and oath, or affirma-
tion, of one competent and credible witnefs, and fhall and may be levied by com-
mitment of the offender in execution to the fheriff of the faid county until pay-
ment of the penalty and fees, or by procefs in the nature of a fieri facias, directed
to the bailiff of the faid town, for levying the fame by feizure and fale of the
goods and chattels of the offender; and the fees to the bailiff fhall be the fame
as are or may be allowed by law to the fheriffs for executing a writ of fieri facias ;
and the faid penalties and forfeitures, and all monies arifing by virtue of this act,
fhall be accounted for by the officer or perfons collecting or receiving the fame to
the faid commiffioners, and be applied by them to the repair and fupport of the
market-houfe in the faid town, and in providing, ordering and repairing, the
fcales, weights and engines, herein before mentioned, or otherwife, in their dif-
cretion, to fuch other purpofes as may improve or concern the regulations of the
faid town, and the market thereof, as eftablifhed by this act.
How penal-
ties, &c. are
to be recover-
ed, &c.
XXIV. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them,
fhall and they are hereby authorifed to lay out and regulate anew the faid town,
as near as can be by the original plot thereof; being authorifed, however, to omit
to open fuch ftreets, lanes or alleys, appearing in the original plot, as they may
think unneceffary and ufelefs to the faid town, and fhall have full power and au-
thority to extend the limits of the faid town as fhall appear neceffary to them, and
to lay out any new ftreets, lanes or alleys, as to them may feem proper and ne-
ceffary for the better regulation and convenience of the faid town, or its inhabi-
tants, always taking care to interfere as little as poffible with any improved pro-
perty in the faid town, or on the grounds over which the faid new ftreets, lanes or
alleys, may run; and the ground fo taken away by any fuch ftreets, lanes or al-
leys, fhall be valued and paid for as aforefaid; and the faid commiffioners fhall
caufe to be made out a fair and correct plot of the faid town by the furveyor of
the county, and fhall lodge the fame in the clerk's office of the faid county, for
the infpection of any perfon who may be defirous of feeing or examining the fame;
ers to lay out
the town a-
new, &c.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to ftreighten and amend
the public roads in Harford county, and for other purpofes.
WHEREAS the commiffioners appointed by the act to which this is a
fupplement did not lay out, furvey, mark and bound, the feveral pub-
lic roads in the faid ait mentioned, but left many of the fame incom-
plete, by reafon of their powers ceafing by law before they could effectuate the
fame: And whereas alfo a very confiderable expence has been already incurred,
which expence will be totally loft unlefs relief be had in the premifes; therefore,
Paffed De-
cember 28.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the juftices of
the levy court in Harford county be and they are hereby empowered and directed
to appoint, by warrant under their hands, three perfons, freeholders and refidents
in the county, to lay out, furvey, mark and bound, fuch of the aforefaid roads
in the faid act intended to be laid out as aforefaid, and to finifh and complete the
fame, as to the faid juftices, or a major part of them, fhall be confidered necef-
fary to be laid out, completed and finifhed; which faid perfons, fo appointed as
Juftices to ap-
point three
perfons, &c.