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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 74   View pdf image
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may appeal within three days to the commiffioners of faid town for redrefs, or
any one of them, and he or they fhall have power and authority to make fuch
order therein as they may deem juft and proper.

vefted in the

ers, &c.

XX. And be it enacted, That the faid market-houfe, and the ftalls, fhambles,
iffues, and appurtenances thereof, fhall be and the fame are hereby vefted in the
faid commiffioners, and their fucceffors, for the ufe and in truft for the benefit
and advantage of the inhabitants of the faid town; and the clerk of the faid mar-
ket fhall have full power, under the direction of the faid commiffioners, to rent
and hire out the flails and fhambles of the faid market-houfe upon the beft terms,
and to keep a fair and juft account, as well of the perfons renting as of the pro-
fits arifing from fuch rents, and to render duplicates of fuch accounts to the faid
commiffioners annually on the firft Monday of April, or oftener if he fhall be
required; and the faid rents and profits fhall be paid to the order of the faid com-
miffioners, and be applied to the ufes directed by this act; and in default of pay-
ment the fame fhall be recovered, in the name of the faid commiffioners, of any
tenant or perfon refufing or delaying to pay the fame, by the warrant of a juftice
of the peace, as in the cafe of recovering fmall debts before a magiftrate; and
the clerk of the faid market fhall be allowed a reafonable compenfation for his
fervices, not exceeding the fum of fifteen pounds current money by the year, to
be afcertained by the faid commiffioners, and to be proportionably affeffed and le-
vied upon the inhabitants and owners of property in the faid town, according to
the respective valuations herein before directed to be made.

No perfon to
raife geefe,


XXI. And be it enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any perfon or perfons
to keep or raife any geefe or fwine within the limits of faid town, except in pens
or other enclofures; and if any geefe or fwine fhall be found going at large with-
in the limits of faid town, it fhall be the duty of the bailiff of faid town, upon
the information of any of the inhabitants thereof, or upon his own view, to
diftrain and feize all and every fuch geefe or fwine, and to fecure the fame in
fome common pound, to be provided by the faid commiffioners for that purpofe ;
and all and every fuch geefe or fwine, fo feized and fecured, fhall, if the proper-
ty of any perfon or perfons refiding within the limits of faid town or within one
mile thereof, be forfeited for the benefit of faid town, and fold at public fale by
the bailiff, to the higheft bidder, and the money arifing from the fale thereof,
(except the fum of fix-pence for every goofe and the fum of one fhilling and fix-
pence for every hog, to be retained by the faid bailiff for his trouble,) fhall be
accounted for and paid by the faid bailiff to the commiffioners of the town; and
if the faid geefe or fwine be the property of any perfon or perfons refiding with-
out the limits aforefaid, fuch owner or owners fhall forfeit and pay to the bailiff
the fum of one fhilling per day for every goofe, and the fum of five fhillings per
day for every hog, fo feized and fecured as aforefaid; and in cafe of refufal, the
faid geefe or fwine fhall be forfeited, and fold in the fame manner, and under the
fame exceptions, as if they were the property of any perfon or perfons refiding
within the limits of the faid town; and the money arifing from fuch fines or
fales, except as before excepted, fhall be paid to the commiffioners as aforefaid,
and applied by them for the ufe and advantage of the faid town.

When money
is to be affeff-
ed, a lift to be
made, &c.

XXII. And be it enacted, That whenever it fhall be judged neceffary by the
faid commiffioners to affefs and levy any fum or fums of money on the inhabi-
tants and owners of property in the faid town, for any of the purpofes, and fub-
ject to the provifions, herein before mentioned, the faid commiffioners fhall make
out a fair and alphabetical lift of every perfon chargeable with fuch affeffment,
and fhall annex the refpective fums to be collected from each perfon; and the faid
commiffioners fhall thereupon endorfe a warrant, in the nature of a fieri facias,
directed to the bailiff of the faid town, commanding him to make and levy the
feveral fums of money annexed to the faid lift with all convenient fpeed, and to
enforce the collection thereof, if neceffary, by the feizure and fale of the goods
and chattels of any perfon who fhall refufe or delay to make payment of fuch af-
feffment; and the faid bailiff, within the fpace of ten days after receiving any fuch
lift of affeffment, fhall furnifh every perfon, fo chargeable, with the amount of

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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 74   View pdf image
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