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Session Laws, 1793
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L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.

C H A P.

aforefaid, fhall, and they are hereby directed, as foon as convenient may be there-
after, to meet, examine and lay out fuch roads as by the faid court fhall be deem-
ed neceffary to be laid out, completed and finifhed, as aforefaid, and make re-
turn thereof, under their hands and, feals, to the next levy court to be holden for
faid county thereafter, and the juftices thereupon fhall direct the faid road fo laid
out to be cleared and amended, in the fame manner as is directed under the
provifions of the faid act to which this is a fupplement.

Overfeers to
draw orders,

III. And be it enacted, That the overfeers of the roads, hereafter to be ap-
pointed in faid county, fhall have power to draw orders on the collector of faid
county in favour of thofe perfons who may work on the roads in their refpective
diftricts, to the amount of fuch fum as may be allowed to fuch overfeer as his
proportion of money for repairing and amending the roads in his refpective dif-
trict, which orders the faid collectors are hereby directed. to difcharge by the pay-
ment of the faid orders in money, or difcount the fame in taxes, if any fuch per-
fons having fuch order may owe taxes, any thing in the faid original act to the
contrary notwithftanding.

Allowance to
be made, &c.

IV. And be it enacted, That the faid perfons fo appointed by the court to lay
out the faid roads, fhall have the fame allowance as the commiffioners under the
original act, for their actual fervices.


V. And be it enacted, That this act fhall be and continue in force, until the
expiration of the faid act to which this a fupplement.

Paffed De-
cember 28.



An ACT for the relief of fundry infolvent debtors.

WHEREAS John Parks, Englehart Crufe, Francis Cracroft, Leonard
Swingle, Andrew Floyd, William Lowrey, William B. Micks and
Francis De Blok, of Baltimore county, Jacob Hole, Jofeph Weft
Plummer and William Beckwith, of Frederick county, James Glanvill and
Spencer Beedle, of Kent county, Randolph Johnfon and William Keene, of
Dorchefter county, James Porter and Clement Holliday, of Caecil county, Jofhua
Dorfey, of Henry, Vachel Stevens and Samuel Chew, of Anne-Arundel county,
Nicholas Boone and Thomas Mitchel, of Prince-George's county, Naylor Har-
vin, Philemon Burgefs and John Holmead, of Montgomery county, William;
Weatherall and William Mitchel, of Harford county, James Smith, William
Burk and John Waters, junior, of Queen-Anne's county, and William Allen,
of Calvert county, by their petitions to this general affembly, have fet forth, that
by reafon of many misfortunes they are unable wholly to fatisfy their creditors,
and have prayed that they may be difcharged, upon their delivering up all their
property for the ufe of their creditors; and the prayer of the faid petitioners being
found reafonable, therefore,

on applicati-
on, to direct
notice to be
given, &c.

II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That on application
of either of the faid debtors to the chancellor, by petition in writing, offering to
deliver to the ufe of his creditors all his property, real, perfonal or mixed, to
which he is any way entitled, a fchedule whereof, (on oath, or affirmation, as
the cafe may require,) together with a life of the creditors of the perfon fo apply-
ing, on oath or affirmation, as far as he can afcertain them, fhall be annexed to
fuch petition, the chancellor fhall, in his discretion, cither direct perfonal notice
of fuch application to be given to the creditors, or fo many of them as can be
ferved therewith, or their agents or attornies, or direct notice of fuch application
to be inferted in the public news-papers for fuch time as he fhall think proper,
which, in cafe of there being a creditor or creditors beyond fea, fhall not be lefs
than fix months, and on their appearance, or neglect to appear on notice, at the
time or times and place appointed, the chancellor fhall adminifter to the petition-
ing debtor the following oath, or affirmation, as the cafe may require: " I, A. B.
" do fwear, or folemnly, fincerely and truly declare and affirm, that I will deliver
" up, convey and transfer, to my creditors, in fuch manner as the chancellor
" fhall direct, all my property that I have, or claim any title to or intereft in, at

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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 76   View pdf image
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