L A W S of M A R Y L A N D.
C H A P.
expiration of two years, the office of the commiffioner of the third clafs at the
expiration of three years, the, office of the commiffioner of the fourth clafs at the
expiration of four years, and the office of the commiffioner of the fifth clafs at
the expiration of five years; and the vacancy thus fucceffively occafioned by the
determination of their refpective offices fhall be fupplied by an election of a judi-
cious and difcreet perfon, refident and qualified as aforefaid, to be made at the
court-houfe in the faid town, by the inhabitants and others, qualified to vote as
aforefaid, on the fecond Monday of March in every year, and the perfon fo elect-
ed fhall remain in office for the term of five years, and the fucceffion of the
faid commiffioners be fo continued as that one commiffioner fhall be chofen
Juftice to be
judge, &c.
How vacan-
cies are to be
IV. And be it enacted, That any juftice of the peace for the county afore-
laid, fhall, in the firft inftance, be the judge of the faid election, and fhall return
his certificate thereof to the faid commiffioners on the day firft appointed for their
meeting, and the fame fhall be filed and recorded among their proceedings, and,
at every fubfequent election the commiffioners of the town, or the major part of
them, fhall be judges of fuch election, and the proceedings thereof fhall be re-
corded under their direction; and every commiffioner, before he fhall proceed to
open an election, fhall take an oath, or affirmation, that he will faithfully and
impartially permit every perfon to vote at fuch election, who fhall be qualified to
vote for a commiffioner of the faid town, according to the directions of this act,
and that he will not fuffer any perfon to vote at fuch election, who fhall not, in
his judgment, be qualified to vote as aforefaid.
V. And be it enacted, That if any vacancy fhall happen in the office of one
or more of the commiffioners by death, refignation, removal, or other wife, it
fhall be lawful for the remaining commiffioners, and they are hereby required, to
caufe an election to be made at the court-houfe in the faid town, by the inhabi-
tants thereof, and others qualified to vote as aforefaid, of one or more judicious
and difcreet perfons, refidents and qualified as aforefaid, to fupply every fuch va-
cancy, during the remainder of the term, and the time of holding fuch inter-
vening election fhall be previoufly notified for the fpace of ten days preceding the
ers to take an
oath, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That every commiffioner, to be appointed in purfuance
of this act, before he fhall proceed to execute his office, fhall take an oath, or
affirmation, before fome juftice of the peace, that he will diligently and faithful-
ly, according to the beft of his judgment, perform the duties of a commiffioner
of the faid town, according to the directions of this act, without favour, partia-
lity or prejudice, and a certificate of fuch qualification fhall be made and returned
by fuch juftice of the peace to the faid commiffioners, to be filed and recorded
among their proceedings.
To meet in
April, &c.
VII. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or the major part of
them, fhall meet together at the court-houfe in the faid town, or at fuch other
public place within the limits thereof as fhall be previoufly notified, on the firft
Monday in April in the enfuing year, and ftatedly on the firft Monday in every
third month thereafter, and as much oftener, by adjournment, as they fhall judge
to be neceffary, and when fo affembled, the faid commiffioners, or the major part
of them, fhall proceed to execute the feveral powers and authorities vefted in them
by this act, from time to time, as occafion fhall require.
And recom-
mend plans.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners fhall be and they are
hereby authorised, empowered and required, to meet as aforefaid, and from time
to time to recommend fuch plans and regulations as they fhall judge beneficial to
the town, or the inhabitants thereof; to caufe to be removed all nuifances and
obftructions that may interrupt the paffage of the faid inhabitants, or others, in
the ftreets, lanes and alleys, of the faid town; to caufe the principal or other
ftreets to be repaired, improved or paved, whenever a majority of the faid inha-
bitants fhall reafonably require the fame to be done, and fufficient fums of money