THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor,
them, and each of them, refpectively, and if neceffary take fecurity for the
C H A P.
VII. And be it enacted, That all public roads in faid county be made and kept
at leaft twenty feet wide; and if any perfon or perfons fhall erect a nuifance in
or upon the faid road or roads, or by any means obftruct the fame, he or they
fhall be punifhed by prefentment in the county court, and fined at the difcre-
tion of the faid court, and thereupon the court may order the faid nuifance to be
removed by the perfon who erected the fame, and force obedience by attach-
Roads to be 20
feet wide, &c.
VIII. And, the better to enable the levy court to afcertain what are the pub-
lic roads of faid county, Be it enacted, That the clerk fhall lay before the levy
court, at their next meeting, a lift of all public roads in faid county, defcribing
the feveral parts or portions of the fame as heretofore affigned to the feveral over-
feers appointed under former laws; and the faid clerk fhall enter in a book to be
kept for that purpofe alone, all the proceedings of the faid levy court in the exe-
cution of this act, and fhall be allowed by the faid court a reafonable fatisfaction
for his trouble, to be afcertained by the juftices, and paid out of the monies to
be affeffed and levied under this act.
A lift to be
laid before the
court, &c.
IX. This act to commence on the firft day of March next, and continue in
force until the firft day of March, feventeen hundred and ninety-five, and to the
end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall happen thereafter.
ment, &c.
An ACT to provide for the appointment of commiffioners for the
regulation and improvement of Cambridge, in Dorchefter coun-
ty, and to eftablifh and regulate a market in faid town.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that it would
greatly contribute to the advantage and improvement of the town of
Cambridge, in Dorchefter county, that the fame fhould be placed
under the care and regulation of certain commiffioners, to be elected by the citi-
zens thereof, and vefted with fufficient powers to forward and effect the purpofes
intended: therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That five judicious
and difcreet perfons, refiding in the faid town, or within three miles thereof, and
poffeffed of landed property within the faid town, in his own fight, or in right
of his wife, of the value of one hundred dollars, fhall be elected, by ballot, on
the fecond Monday in March, in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-four, at
the court-houfe in the faid town, by the free white male inhabitants thereof,
above the age of one and twenty years, and having refided within the limits of
the faid town for the fpace of one year next preceding the election, and having
property in poffeffion of the value of thirty dollars, and by fuch other perfons as
are herein after authorifed to vote at fuch election; and the five perfons who fhall
appear fo have the greateft number of votes at the clofe of the election, fhall be
declared to be duly elected the commiffioners of the faid town, and fhall have and
exercife the feveral powers and authorities delegated to them by this act; and
every free white male perfon, above the age of one and twenty years, and having
a freehold eftate, or leafehold property for a term exceeding one and twenty years,
within the limits of the faid town, fhall likewife have a right to vote in the elec-
tion of the faid commiffioners, notwithftanding fuch perfon may not be refident
Five perfons
to be elected
III. And be it enacted, That the commiffioners fo chofen fhall affemble on
the firft Monday in April next enfuing their election, at the court-houfe in the
faid town, and arrange and number themfelves into five claffes by lot, and the
office of the commiffioner of the firft clafs fhall determine at the expiration of one
year after his election, the office of the commiffioner of the fecond clafs at the
ers to affem-
ble, &c.
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