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Session Laws, 1793
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THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.


can be raifed, by fubfcription or otherwife, for this falutary purpofe; to caufe the
inhabitants, and others entitled to vote for commiffioners, according to this act, to
be and to continue regiftered, and to make fuch alterations in the regifter thereof,
from time to time, as the increafing number of inhabitants, or other changing
circumftances, fhall render neceffary; to appoint and qualify a clerk, whofe duty
it fhall be to keep fair and faithful minutes of their proceedings, in proper and
well bound books, to be provided by them for that purpofe, and to be fubject to
the infpection and examination of the inhabitants of the faid town, and of all
perfons who may be concerned; to caufe the perfons entitled to vote as aforefaid
to be fummoned, by public advertifement, to meet at fome certain time and place,
within the limits of the faid town, whenever their fentiments may be requifite
upon any extraordinary occafion; to caufe a juft and fair affeffment and valuation
of all the property, real and perfonal, within the limits of the faid town, to be
made and returned, from time to time, by fome fkilful and difcreet perfon to be
appointed and qualified by them for fuch occafion; and whenever it fhall be
deemed neceffary, for any purpofe advantageous to the town, by a majority of the
voters to be fummoned and affembled as aforefaid, to impofe and levy on the pro-
perty fo directed to be affeffed and valued any fum or fums of money in equal and
fair proportions, provided the money, fo to be impofed and levied, fhall not ex-
ceed, in any one year, the rate of one dollar for every hundred pounds worth of
property, according to fuch refpective affeffments and valuation, and in the fame
proportion upon every greater or fmaller fhare of property; to appoint and quali-
fy an active and difcreet perfon, annually, to be the bailiff of the faid town, and
to give him fuch directions, in the execution of his office, as fhall be neceffary to
accomplish the intentions of this act; to pay their clerk, and the bailiff of the
faid town, refpectively, a reafonable allowance for their fervices, to be rated by
the faid commiffioners on the property aforefaid, by equal affeffments; and, ge-
nerally, to order and promote fuch regulations and improvements, for the benefit
and advantage of the faid town, as the faid commiffioners, or the inhabitants
thereof, fhall determine to be neceffary.

C H A P.


IX. And be it enacted, That any perfon or perfons who may think him, her
or themfelves aggrieved by the valuation of the faid affeffor, may, at any time
within fix weeks after the completion and return of fuch affeffment, appeal to
the faid commiffioners, who may thereupon, and in all cafes where they fhall
judge the valuation of fuch affeffor to be unequal, make fuch alteration therein
as to them fhall feem juft and reafonable.

Perfons ag-
grieved may
appeal, &c.

X. And be it enacted, That the bailiff of the faid town fhall be appointed
annually on the firft Monday in May, and before he fhall proceed to execute his
office he fhall take an oath, or affirmation, before the faid commiffioners, or any
one of them, that he will faithfully and impartially perform the duties required
of him as bailiff of the faid town by this act, according to the beft of his fkill
and judgment, and without favour, affection or prejudice; and the duties of the
faid bailiff fhall be, to attend the meetings of the faid commiffioners whenever
he fhall be required, to perform fuch fervices, for more effectually accomplifhing
the objects of this act, as fhall be directed by the faid commiffioners, to prevent
the tumultuous and irregular meetings of flaves, negroes, and other diffolute and
diforderly perfons, within the limits of the faid town, or if fo affembled, to dif-
perfe them by reafonable and lawful means, and to punifh, with moderate cor-
rection, under fuch rules and regulations as fhall be prefcribed by the faid com-
miffioners, all fuch negro and other flaves as fhall be found wandering or ftrol-
ling about the ftreets in the night time, or frequenting the houfes of other per-
fons in the faid town, without the permiffion or confent of their matters,
miftreffes or overfeers.

XI. And, whereas it is reprefented that the erection of a market-houfe, and
the eftablifhment of a market, under proper regulations, would contribute very
much to the convenience and accommodation of the inhabitants of faid town,

Bailiff to be
appointed an-
nually, &c.

as well as to the emolument and advantage of the neighbourhood, Be it enacted,
That the faid commiffioners. or any three of them, may and they are hereby

Ground to be

chofen, &c.

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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 71   View pdf image
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