rity to grant deeds or patents, as the cafe may require, to the purchafers of the
faid property, or their heirs or affigns, upon their making it appear to him that
they have complied with the terms of the faid fales.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to repair the public roads in Queen-Anne's county.
WHEREAS the roads in Queen-Anne's county are in general much out
of repair, and fome of them almoft impaffable, and the road laws
heretofore made being found, by experience, inadequate to the pur-
pofe of repairing them; therefore,
How roads are
to be repair-
ed, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That hereafter the
public roads in faid county fhall be repaired by a tax on the property in faid
county, which fhall be levied, collected and applied, in manner hereafter di-
Juftices to af-
fefs money,
III. And be it enacted, That the juftices of the peace of faid county, fhall,
at their next levy court, and at their levy courts annually during the continuance
of this act, affefs and levy, on the affeffable property in faid county, a fum not
exceeding three fhillings and nine-pence in every hundred pounds, which fum, fo
affeffed and levied, fhall be collected by the collector of the county in the fame
manner that other county charges are collected, with an allowance of fix per
cent, for collecting the fame; and the faid fum, fo to be collected, fhall be paid
to the faid juftices, or their order, on or before the twentieth day of Auguft an-
nually; and in cafe of default in faid collector in making payment as aforefaid,
the faid juftices may commence fuit in the general or county court on his col-
lector's bonds, for the recovery thereof.
And appoint
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid juftices fhall; at their faid firft meeting,
and at their levy courts annually, appoint as many fit and proper perfons as they
may think neceffary, who fhall be called fupervifors of the public roads; and the
juftices fhall direct the clerk to iffue warrants to them reflectively, defcribing
therein the part or portion of the public roads affigned to them to be repaired,
which warrants fhall be delivered by the faid clerk to the fheriff of the county,
within ten days after the appointments are made, under the penalty of five pounds ;
and the faid fheriff fhall, in ten days thereafter, deliver the faid warrants to the
feveral fupervifors, under the like penalty.
Who may hire
hands, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That the faid fupervifors fhall have full power and
authority to hire as many hands, horfes, carts and waggons, as they may think
neceffary, upon as reafonable terms as they can be had, for the purpofe of re-
pairing the public roads affigned to them, and alfo to purchafe timber for repair-
ing bridges and caufeways; and faid fupervifors fhall account, upon oath, to the
faid juftices annually, at their levy court, for the monies by them expended in
repairing the roads affigned to them refpectively; and to facilitate repairing the
faid roads, the fupervifors may give receipts for the amount of the wages of the
perfons hired, which receipts fhall be allowed in payment of the road tax, and
be received by the collector as fpecie in difcharge for the fame; and every fuper-
vifor fhall receive, as a compenfation for his trouble, a fum not exceeding feven
fhillings and fix-pence for every day he fhall be employed in repairing the public
roads under his care, to be ascertained and allowed by the faid levy court, and
paid out of the money levied and collected under this act.
How vacan-
cies are to be
filled, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That upon the refufal, refignation, death, or removal
out of the county, of any of the faid fupervifors, in the recefs of the levy court,
any three of the juftices of the peace may appoint another in his place, to ferve
till the next levy court, and fhall account for the monies expended by him in the
fame manner as other fupervifors are directed to account; and the faid juftices
fhall apportion the money affeffed and collected under this act among the feveral.
fupervifors, fo as to allow each a fufficient fum to repair the roads affigned to