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Session Laws, 1793
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THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.


faid perfons have affigned the faid warrants of proclamation to the faid fettlers,
who are precluded from the benefit of the faid act; and it appearing reafonable to
this affembly that fuch perfons fhould have the benefit of the fame; therefore,
Be it enacted, That the treafurer of the weftern fhore fhall and may, on or be-
fore the firft day of May next, receive of and from any perfon or perfons who
have proclamated any of the faid lots, the one half of the money for the fame,
and the remaining half on or before the firft day of May, feventeen hundred and
ninety-five, provided it fhall appear to him, by an endorfement on the faid procla-
mation warrant, that the fame is affigned to the original fettler.

C H A P.

Treafurer to
receive, &c.

X. And be it enacted, That the regifter of the land-office be and he is hereby
directed to iffue a patent to any of the fettlers before mentioned who may comply
with the payments by this act to be made under the proclamation warrant, as if
the whole money had been paid within a year from the date of the faid warrant.

Regifter to if-
fue a patent,

An ACT for the benefit of John Hayman Nicholls.

WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, by the petition of
John Hayman Nicholls, that fome time in the year feventeen hundred
and eighty-nine, being then a citizen and inhabitant of this ftate, he
removed into the commonwealth of Virginia, and took with him the following
flaves, to wit: Thomas, Milly, and Jane, which he held in truft for his chil-
dren; that he hath ever fince refided in the faid commonwealth with his family,
and there kept and held the faid flaves; and being now anxious to return and re-
fide in the ftate of Maryland, and wifhing to bring back with him the flaves fo
as aforefaid out of this ftate into Virginia, and praying an act may pafs, autho-
rifing him to bring into this ftate the flaves aforefaid; and the prayer of faid peti-
tion being reafenable: therefore,

Paffed De-
cember 28.


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That it fhall and may
be lawful for the faid John Hayman Nicholls, and he is hereby authorifed and
empowered, to bring into this ftate the aforefaid negroes, upon his coming into
this ftate with a bond fide intention of refiding and fettling therein as a citizen
thereof, any law to the contrary notwithftanding; provided neverthelefs, that this
act, nor any thing therein contained, fhall be taken or conftrued in any manner
to affect any claim which the faid flaves, or any of them, may have to freedom,
from any other caufe than being brought into this ftate.

J. H. Nicholls
may bring ne-
groes into this
ftate, &c.

An ACT to authorife the chancellor to grant deeds and patents in

certain cafes.
WHEREAS William Kilty, during his agency for the ftate of Mary-
land, did purchafe for the ufe of the ftate the property of fundry
ftate debtors, which faid property was afterwards difpofed of by Wil-
liam Campbell, while he was agent for the ftate: And whereas the faid William
Campbell, during his agency, and Randolph B. Latimer, the prefent agent for
the ftate of Maryland, have feverally fold confifcated property to a confiderable
amount, and no power is given by any law of this ftate to any perfon to grant
deeds or patents to the purchafers of any of the aforefaid property; therefore,

Paffed De-
cember 28.


II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the chancellor
fhall be authorifed, and he is hereby direded and required, to grant deeds to fuch
of the purchafers of the property bought in by William Kilty, and afterwards
fold by William Campbell on account of the ftate, or to their heirs or affigns,
as fhall make it appear to him that they have complied with the terms of the
fales fo made.

Chancellor to
grant deeds.

III. And be it enacted, That in all cafes where fales of confifcated property
have been made by the faid William Campbell, or Randolph B. Latimer, as
agents for the ftate of Maryland, that the chancellor fhall have power and autho-

And deeds or
patents, &c.

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Session Laws, 1793
Volume 645, Page 67   View pdf image
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