C H A P.
be fet up at the door of the court-houfe of Allegany county, and fuch other pub-
lic places as they may judge moft effectual, notifying the time of their meeting,
thirty days at leaft before their meeting; and in cafe any perfon interefted lives
out of the faid county, the faid commiffioners fhall caufe advertifements to be af-
fixed at the door of the court-houfe of the county where fuch interefted party
lives, forty days at leaft before their meeting, and fhall meet on the land to pro-
ceed in the execution of their commiffion, agreeably to the notice given by them
as aforefaid.
may iffue, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That fummonfes for witneffes may iffue by the faid
commiffioners, or any two of them; and witneffes fummoned fhall attend, and
be fubject to punifhment by the county court for not attending, in the fame man-
ner as on fummonfes iffued by and returnable to the county courts; and the faid
commiffioners, or any two of them, may furvey the lot or lots mentioned in their
advertifements, as well as any other lots they may think neceffary, and fhall ad-
minifter an oath, or affirmation, to the chain carriers, to execute their duty, as
chain carrier, faithfully and impartially, according to the beft of their fkill; and
fhall alfo adminifter an oath, or affirmation, to witneffes, that the evidence they
fhall give fhall be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth; and
the faid commiffioners, or any two of them, may adjourn from time to time, as
they may think neceffary, and they, or any two of them concurring in opinion
may and fhall caufe the lot or lots mentioned in their advertifements to be marked
in the lines where convenient, and fhall mark or fet up boundaries at the termi-
nation of the lines when courfe and diftance only are given, according to their
adjudication and adjuftment of the original location thereof, and fhall return a
certificate of the fame to the clerk of Allegany county court, which fhall be re-
ceived and recorded in the records of land commiffions and returns of the faid
If no fuit is
brought mark-
ing, &c. to be
VI. And be it enacted, That in cafe no fuit or action fhall be brought within
feven years next after the recording fuch return to call in queftion the adjudica-
tion of the commiffioners, the marking and bounding fuch lot or lots as afore-
faid, and the record thereof, fhall be conclufive evidence of the original location
thereof, both as to the direction and termination of the lines; or if the adjudica-
tion of the commiffioners fhall be confirmed by verdict of a jury in any fuit as
aforefaid, the adjudication of the commiffioners in the point confirmed by the ju-
ry, and between the fame parties and thofe claiming under them, fhall conclude,
to every intent and purpofe; provided, that every infant, married woman, infane
perfon, or perfon in prifon, or beyond fea, and thofe claiming under either of
them, fhall have five years after the difability removed, to commence fuch fuit or
action as aforefaid.
ers allowance
VII. And be it enacted, That each commiffioner fhall be entitled to feven
fhillings and fix-pence current money for each lot, the location and boundaries of
which they may eftablifh; that each chain carrier and witnefs fhall be entitled to
three fhillings and nine-pence current money for each day they fhall refpectively
attend, to be paid by the perfon at whofe requeft the fervice fhall be performed,
and if neceffary attachment of contempt fhall be iffued by the county court to
compel fuch payment.
Powers, when
to ceafe.
VIII. And be it enacted, That the power of the commiffioners appointed by
this act, or to be appointed by virtue thereof, fhall ceafe and determine on the
firft day of January, in the year feventeen hundred and ninety-fix.
IX. Whereas, by an act paffed November feffion, feventeen Hundred and nine-
ty-two, the fettlers on the referved lands weftward of Fort Cumberland were au-
thorifed to pay one third of the balances due this ftate on or before the firft day
of May laft, one third on or before the firft day of May, feventeen hundred and
ninety-four, and the remaining third on or before the firft day of May, feventeen
hundred and ninety-five: And whereas a number of the faid lots were procla-
mated by perfons for the ufe and benefit of the original fettlers: And whereas the