C H A P.
Court may if-
fue procefs a-
gainft perfons
removed, &c.
XXXI. And be it enacted, If any perfon fhall commit any crime or offence
in any county of which he is not an inhabitant, or if any perfon fhall commit
any crime or offence in the county of which he is an inhabitant, and fhall remove
after the commiffion of fuch crime or offence, and fhall be prefented or indicted;
in the county where the crime or offence fhall have been committed, the court
before whom fuch prefentment or indictment fhall be found, fhall have power to
iffue procefs againft fuch perfon, directed to the fheriff of the county where fuch
perfon fhall refide, and fuch fheriff fhall ferve and return fuch procefs in the fame
manner as if iffued by the county court of his county; and in cafe of neglect or
delay in fuch fheriff to execute and return fuch procefs, he may be fined by the
court iffuing fuch procefs.
Juftices to ex-
ecute certain
powers, &c.
And lay a tax
on dogs, &c.
XXXII. And be it enacted, That the juftices appointed in virtue of this act,
or any three or more of them, be authorifed and required to execute all the pow-
ers vefted in the commiffioners of Baltimore-town in virtue of the ad, entitled,
An act for the eftablifhment and regulation of a night watch, and the erection of
lamps, in Baltimore-town, in Baltimore county; and that all the powers and
jurisdiction granted to the faid commiffioners, under the faid act, fhall ceafe and
XXXIII. And, as a further fund towards the expences for the eftablifhment
of a watch, and the erection of lamps, in Baltimore-town, Be it enacted, That
the faid juftices, or any three or more of them, may lay an annual tax, not ex-
ceeding feven fhillings and fix-pence current money, on every dog belonging to
any inhabitant of the faid town; and the faid juftices may direct the faid tax to
be collected from the owner of fuch dog, by execution of his perfon or goods ;
and the faid juftices fhall have power, from time to time, to make fuch regu-
lations refpecting the keeping dogs in the faid town, as may be effectual to difco-
ver the owners, and for the collection of faid tax; and they may authorife the
killing of any dog whofe owner cannot be afcertained.
Part of an act
XXXIV. And be it enacted, That fo much of the act, entitled; A fupple-
ment to the act for the eftablifhment of a night watch, and the erection of lamps,
in Baltimore-town, as impofes the levying and collection of the tax on the dwel-
ling-houfes, ftore-houfes and warehoufes, in faid town, for the purpofes therein
mentioned, fhall be and is hereby continued until the thirtieth day of October
next, and to the end of the next feffion of affembly which fhall happen there-
after, and it is hereby declared to be the duty of the faid juftices of Baltimore
county criminal court, to again levy the faid tax, under the fame regulation of the
faid act, and to direct the collection and appropriation as mentioned in the faid act.
Slaves, &c.
convicted, to
be valued,
XXXV. And be it enacted, That if any flave or fervant fhall be convicted
and adjudged, agreeably to this law, to ferve and labour, it fhall be lawful for
the court, before whom fuch flave or fervant fhall be convicted and adjudged to
labour as aforefaid, to value fuch flave or fervant, and to enter the fame in their
proceedings, and fuch value fhall be paid by the ftate, or the county where fuch
conviction fhall happen, in the fame manner as herein before provided; and if
fuch flave or fervant, fo convicted and adjudged, fhall furvive his time of con-
viction, fuch flave or fervant fhall be fold, and the money applied in the manner
as herein before provided.
Chief juftice
to be allowed,
XXXVI. And be it enacted, That there fhall be allowed to the faid chief juf-
tice, as a compenfation for his fervices in executing all the duties required by this
act, at the rate of two hundred pounds current money per year, during the time
he fhall act as chief juftice of the faid court, and the faid fum fhall be affeffed
by the juftices appointed by virtue of this ad, on Baltimore county, and fhall be
paid by the collector to the faid chief juftice, in the manner directed by the act
for the better adminiftration of juftice in the feveral counties of this ftate, and in
default of payment, recovered in the fame fummary way provided and direded by
the feventeenth fection of the find laft mentioned ad, for the recovery of the al-
lowance given by the faid act to the chief juftice appointed in virtue thereof.