THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
XXVIII. And be it enacted, That the general court, and every county court,
of this ftate, (except the county court of Baltimore county,) fhall have the fame
power, and may pafs judgment in the fame manner, againft any criminal con-
vided before them for any of the crimes herein before enumerated, as is given
and allowed by this act to the juftices appointed in virtue thereof; and in cafe
of the conviction and adjudication of any flave or fervant to ferve and labour
agreeably to this ad, the court before whom they fhall be fo con vided and ad-
judged fhall value them; and if convicted and adjudged in the general court, the
valuation fhall be paid to the owner by the treafurer of the weftern or eaftern
more, where fuch flave or fervant fhall be convicted; and if convicted and ad-
judged in any county court, the valuation fhall be affeffed in the county affeff-
ment, and paid to the owner by the collector thereof; and the general court may
order any criminal, fo convicted and adjudged before them, to be conveyed, at
the expence of the ftate, and any county court may order any criminal, fo con-
victed and adjudged before them, to be conveyed, at the expence of fuch county,
and delivered to the perfon or perfons appointed to take care of the criminals in
Baltimore county, and the faid perfon or perfons are hereby directed and required
to receive, and work and treat, fuch criminal, in the fame manner as the cri-
minals convicted in Baltimore county; and every criminal, fo conveyed to Balti-
more county, fhall be fubject, in every refpect, to the regulations and provisions
herein before prefcribed, refpecting the criminals convicted in Baltimore county ;
and every county fending a criminal to Baltimore county, fhall pay, at the time
of delivery of fuch criminal, to the perfon or perfons to whom fuch criminal
fhall be delivered, the fum of five pounds current money, and, the ftate will pay
the fame fum for every criminal fent by the general court; and any county court
may adjudge any fuch free male criminal to work and labour for fuch time as
they may think proper, not exceeding feven years, and any flave not exceeding
fourteen years, for the fame crime, on the public roads of their county; and any
free female criminal to work, for any term not exceeding feven years for the fame
crime, in the work-houfe of their county, or other place of confinement, and in
fuch cafe the faid court may make fuch provifions and regulations for the employ-
ment of fuch criminals, and the expences thereof, as they may think proper.
C H A P.
General court,
&c. to have
the fame pow-
er, &c.
XXIX. And be it enacted, If any flave or fervant, convicted and adjudged in
the general court, or any county court, to ferve and labour according to this act,
fhall be fent to Baltimore county, and fhall furvive his time of conviction, fuch
flave or fervant fhall, immediately after the expiration thereof, be fold at auction
by the order of any two of the juftices appointed in virtue of this act, and the
money arifing from the fale fhall be paid unto the treafurer of the weftern fhore
if convicted in the general court, or to the fheriff of the county in which the
conviction fhall happen; and any flave or fervant, convicted and adjudged in any
county court to ferve and labour according to this act, who fhall not be fent to
Baltimore county, and fhall furvive his time of conviction, fuch flave or fervant
fhall, immediately after the expiration thereof, be fold at auction by the order of
any two of the juftices of the county where fuch conviction fhall happen, and
the money arifing from the fale fhall be applied to the ufe of fuch county; pro-
vided always, that fuch fervant fhall not be fold for a longer time than remained
of his or her fervitude at the time of his or her being fo adjudged.
Slave, &c. in
certain cafes
to be fold, &c.
XXX. And be it enacted, Where any witnefs may be or refide in any other
county in this ftate, the faid juftices, or any county court, fhall have full power
to iffue fubpoena for fuch witnefs, directed to the fheriff of the county where fuch
witnefs fhall refide, and fuch fheriff fhall ferve and return the fame; and if any per-
fon, fo fummoned, fhall neglect to attend, attachment may iffue againft him, di-
reded as aforefaid, and by virtue thereof, the fheriff fhall be obliged to have the
body of fuch witnefs before the court iffuing fuch attachment; and in cafe of ne-
gled or delay, by fuch fheriff, to ferve and return fuch fubpoena or attachment,
and to have the body of fuch witnefs, fuch fheriff may be fined by the court iffuing
fuch procefs; and every procefs and fubpoena iffued from one county to another,
fhall be forwarded by the fheriff of the county iffuing the fame, and he fhall be
allowed by the juftices of his county a reafonable compenfation for his trouble.
Subpoena may
iffue for wit-
nefs in any
county, &c.