may apply to
the court, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That in all petitions now depending, or hereafter com-
menced, for freedom, either the petitioner or defendant may apply to the court
or the benefit of a trial by jury, and that the court fhall thereupon charge, as
the law directs, the attending jury to determine each and all of the allegations
contained in the faid petition, which may be controverted, any law, ufage or
cuftom, to the contrary notwithstanding.
There fhall be
no appeal, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That there fhall be no appeal from the judgment of
the county court upon fuch petitions, except as to matters of law, where the
facts fhall have been tried by a jury; and the mafter, miftrefs or owner, of fuch
petitioner, or the petitioner, at the election of either, fhall have the right of
appeal as to matters of law only, in all cafes fo tried, to the general court of
their refpective fhore, any thing in this law contained to the contrary notwith-
Mafter, &c.
may chal-
lenge, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That either the matter, miftrefs or owner, of fuch
petitioner, or the petitioner, fhall have the right and privilege of challenging pe-
remptorily to the number of twelve jurors impannelled to try the facts in iffue,
and for want of a fufficient number of jurors remaining upon the original pannel,
a tales, at the prayer of either party, fhall be awarded by the court, to try the
faid iffue or iffues.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to appoint a health officer for the port of Baltimore-
town, in Baltimore county.
WHEREAS, to prevent the ingrefs of the plague, or other malignant
contagious difeafes, is an object of great importance to the welfare
and commerce of the citizens of the ftate; till, therefore, proper ar-
rangements and eftablifhments fhall be made by congrefs in the premifes,
Governor to
appoint, &c.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That the governor,
with the advice of the council, fhall and he is hereby authorifed to appoint one
or more perfons, being able and fkilful phyficians, whofe duty it fhall be to vifit
and examine all foreign veffels, and other veffels coming from fufpected places,
and where it fhall appear neceffary, to oblige the fame to perform quarantine, not
lefs than ten days nor exceeding twenty; and in all fuch cafes the vifiting phyfi-
cian fhall give a certificate to the captain or mafter of the veffel, figned with his
name, expreffing the number of days the faid veffel is to ride quarantine; and at
or before the end of each quarantine, the phyfician is hereby enjoined to make a
fecond vifit to the faid veffel, and fhould it appear to him that a farther quaran-
tine is neceffary, he is hereby authorifed to enjoin the fame for any number of
days not exceeding ten.
Mafters of vef-
fels having
paffengers dif-
ordered, not
to land, &c.
III. Be it enacted, That if the mafter, or other perfon having charge of any
veffel bound to the port of Baltimore, having on board altogether, when the faid
veffel departed from port, above thirty paffengers on board, difordered with any
contagious difeafe, or coming from any fickly port or place, without a clean bill
of health, fhall bring his veffel, or fuffer or permit the fame to be brought, nearer
to the port of Baltimore than Hawkins's Point, or fhall land, or bring on fhore,
or caufe or fuffer to be landed or brought on fhore, any of fuch infected perfons,
or any part or parcel of their goods or effects, or any other goods, until he has
obtained a licence or permit fo to do from the phyfician, or his affiftant aforefaid,
fuch mafter, or other perfon having charge of fuch veffel, fhall forfeit and pay,
for every fuch offence, the fum of one thoufand dollars.
Penalty on
matters, &c.
for conceal-
ing, &c.
IV. Be it enacted That if any mafter, or other perfon having charge of any
veffel, at the time of inquiry by the aforefaid phyfician or his affiftant, fhall have
on board any perfon infected as aforefaid, and fhall knowingly conceal the fame,
or fhall not make a juft and true difcovery to the phyfician, or his deputy, of the
fickly and difordered ftate and condition of all and every perfon on board, from
the time the faid veffel departed from the port or place from whence fhe laft