THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
lected in the fame manner as other county levies and taxes are impofed and col-
lected, with the ufual commiffion for collection thereof; and the fum of money fo
collected as aforefaid, fhall be paid by the perfon collecting the fame to the commif-
fioners aforefaid, or to fome one of them, to be applied to the purpofes aforefaid.
C H A P.
V. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners fhall, after the completion
of the faid roads, account with the juftices of Caroline county court for the ex-
penditures of all fums of money which fhall be paid to them for the purpofes
aforefaid, and fhall pay over fuch balance as may remain in their hands to the juf-
tices of the levy court of the faid county, or to fuch perfon or perfons as they
may appoint to receive the fame, to be applied towards defraying the county
charges of faid county.
And account
with the juf-
tices, &c.
VI. And be it further enacted, That when the faid roads are laid out and
opened as aforefaid, and received as public roads as aforefaid, they fhall be kept
in repair and order as all other public roads in faid county are.
Roads to be
kept in repair,
VII. And, whereas the faid roads may caufe damage to the proprietors of lands
through which the fame may pafs, and it is reafenable and juft that compenfation
fhould be made to fuch of the faid proprietors as choofe to receive it, Be it
enacted, That upon application of any fuch proprietor to the county court of
Caroline county, within two years after the road, by which he is injured, is en-
tered of record, or in cafe of the infancy of fuch proprietor, upon application as
aforefaid within two years after the age of twenty-one years, or within two years
after his death, in cafe he dies during his infancy, the juftices of the faid court
fhall be empowered to agree with fuch applicant for the amount of the damages
fuftained, not exceeding the rate of forty fhillings current money per acre; but if
fuch agreement cannot be made, then the faid court fhall iffue their warrant to
the fheriff of the faid county, commanding him to fummon and return a jury of
twelve good and lawful men of the faid county, to be and appear before him on
the premifes, on a certain day in the faid warrant to be expreffed; which jury, on
their oath, to be adminiftered by the faid fheriff, fhall inquire whether the appli-
cant is owner of the land through which the faid road paffes, and what damage
he will fuftain from the paffing of the faid road over his land, taking into confi-
deration all conveniences and inconveniences, advantages and difadvantages, arifing
therefrom; and fuch fheriff fhall return the inqueft of the faid jury, or of any
eight of them agreeing, under his hand and feal, and the hands and feals of the
faid jury, to the next county court to be held for the faid county, and the amount of
the faid damages and cofts of the faid inqueft, with a commiffion as aforefaid,
fhall be affeffed and levied on the faid county in the fame manner as other coun-
ty levies.
Court, on ap-
plication, to
agree for da-
mages, &c.
C H A P. LV.
A Supplement to an act concerning petitions for freedom;
WHEREAS it is found by experience to be inconvenient to the citizens
of this ftate, that the general court of either fhore fhould have and
poffefs original jurifdiction On petitions for freedom; therefore,
Paffed De-
cember 28.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That no petition or
petitions for freedom fhall hereafter originate in the general court of either fhore,
but fhall commence and be tried only in the county where fuch petitioner or
petitioners fhall refide, under the direction of his, her or their mafter, miftrefs or
owner; and the court of the county in which fuch petition or petitions fhall be
preferred, fhall have full power and authority to iffue procefs againft fuch mafter,
miftrefs or owner, for the purpofe of compelling his or her appearance, directed
to the fheriff of the county where fuch perfon or perfons fhall refide, and fuch
fheriff fhall ferve and return fuch procefs in the fame manner as if iffued by the
county court of his county, and in cafe of neglect or delay in fuch fheriff to
execute and return fuch procefs, he may be fined by the court iffuing fuch pro-
No petition to
originate in
the general
court, &c.