THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor,
failed, to the time of the faid inquiry, and of all other particulars neceffary for
the faid phyician, or his deputy, to know, refpecting the premifes, fuch mafter,
or other perfons having charge of fuch veffel, fhall forfeit and pay, for every fuch
offence, the fum of three hundred dollars.
C H A P.
V. Be it enacted, That if any pilot fhall conduct any veffel above Hawkins's
Point, having on board above thirty perfons, being paffengers or fervants, (and it
is hereby declared to be the duty of each pilot to make due inquiry thereof,) fuch
pilot fhall forfeit and pay one hundred dollars; and if any pilot fhall have know-
ledge that there is on board any veffel that he undertakes to pilot, any perfon dif-
tempered with the plague, or any malignant contagious difeafe, (and it is hereby
declared to be his duty to make due inquiry thereof,) and fhall pilot fuch veffel
above Hawkins's Point, he fhall forfeit one hundred dollars, and fuch pilot fhall
be difqualified to act as a pilot for one year; and if any pilot fhall have knowledge
that there is on board any veffel that he undertakes to pilot, any perfon diftem-
pered as aforefaid, (and it is declared to be his duty to make due inquiry thereof,)
and fhall conceal the fame, and not give information thereof to the aforefaid phy-
fician, or his deputy, fuch pilot fhall forfeit one hundred dollars, and fuch pilot
fhall be difqualified to act as a pilot for one year.
And on pilots
for conducting
veffels with
VI. And be it enacted, That all penalties impofed by this act fhall be recovered by
indictment, or action of debt, by any perfon who fhall fue for the fame; provided
the fame be profecuted or fued within three months after the faid offence committed,
and on affidavit filed in the clerk's office, and a copy iffued with the writ, fignifying
the real caufe of action, and fpecifying the certainty of the offence being commit-
ed, the court may award fpecial bail to be given to faid fuit, and in default there-
of, to commit the perfon as in other cafes where bail is ordered by the court.
How penalties
are to be re-
covered, &c.
VII. Be it enacted, That a temporary hofpital may be erected in fuch place
as the governor, with the advice of the council, may direct, for the reception of
fuch fick perfon or perfons as the faid phyfician may at any time think proper to
remove on fhore for their better accommodation or cure, or to prevent the fpread-
ing of any malignant difeafe, or to fhorten as much as may be quarantine; and
the governor, with the advice of the council, fhall prefcribe rules and regulations
for the governing and management of the faid hofpital.
A temporary
hofpital to be
erected, &c.
VIII. 160 it enacted, That the affiftance of the cuftom-houfe tender or boats
is hereby requefted to aid the faid phyfician to carry this law into effect, whenever
the fame can be done confiftently with their orders from the United States or
their officers.
tender to af-
fift, &c.
IX. Be it enacted, That the reprefentatives and fenators from this ftate to
congrefs, are hereby requefted to ftate to congrefs the neceffity of the aforefaid
arrangements, and to obtain the confent of congrefs to a duty, not exceeding
three cents per tun on all fea veflels above fixty tun, coming into Baltimore dif-
trict, to be paid to fuch perfon as may be appointed by the governor, with the
advice of the council, to receive the fame, for defraying all expences attending
the execution of this act; and a ftatement of the money received, and expendi-
tures incurred, in the execution of this act, fhall be annually laid before the ge-
neral affembly.
tives, &c. to
ftate to con-
grefs, &c.
X. Be it enacted, That the appointment of phyfician or phyficians, and all
neceffary arrangements to accomplish the object of this act, fhall be made and en-
tered into as foon as congrefs fhall have laid a tunnage on veflels for the aforefaid
When ap-
are to be
made, &c.
An ACT refpecting the punifhment of criminals.
WHEREAS it is reprefented to this general affembly, that the commif-
fion of burglary, robbery, horfe-ftealing, and other crimes, hath
greatly increafed in this ftate :
Paffed De-
cember 28.