C H A P.
XXVI. And, whereas fundry companies of artillery, cavalry and infantry,
now exift, or may exift, in the town of Baltimore, previous to the twentieth day
of May next, Be it enacted, That all fuch companies now formed, or that may
be formed previous to the faid twentieth day of May next, fhall be and are hereby
continued and confirmed, fubject neverthelefs to all duties, fines and penalties,
to which the reft of the militia are fubjected by this act; provided, that the go-
vernor, with the advice and confent of the council, fhall have the appointment
and commiffioning of the officers of the faid companies.
XXVII. And be it enacted, That this act fhall continue and be in force for
md during the continuance of the before recited act of congrefs.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
An ACT to open and lay out roads from Denton, the feat of juf-
tice in Caroline county, to different parts of faid county, and
the fame, when opened and laid out, to be the public roads of
faid county.
WHEREAS the inhabitants of Caroline county experience confiderable
inconvenience for the want of public roads leading from Denton, their
feat of juftice, to different parts of faid county, and as it is right and
proper they fhould have the fame for their eafe and convenience; therefore,
ers appointed,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That Henry Downes,
Jofeph Richardfon, Chriftopher Driver, William Robinfon and Robert Hardcaf-
tle, be and they are hereby appointed commiffioners to open and lay out the fol-
lowing roads in Caroline county aforefaid, to wit: A road from the weft fide of
Choptank river, oppofite to Denton, to interfect the road from Tuckahoe Bridge
to Price's Landing; another road from the weft fide of Choptank river, oppofite
to Denton, to Tuckahoe Bridge; another road from the weft fide of Choptank
river, oppofite to Denton, to interfect the road from Greenfborough to Tuckahoe
Bridge at or near the Deep Branches; a road from Denton, down Choptank ri-
ver, to interfect the road leading from Greenfborough to Dover ferry between
Rhodes's plantation and the mill commonly called and known by the name of
Potter's Mill; another road from Denton to interfect the road from Greenfbo-
rough to Dover ferry between the Old Chapel and the Three Bridges; and one
other road from Denton, up Choptank river, to interfect the road from Greenfbo-
rough to Dover ferry at or near Matthew Driver's faw-mill; and the faid com-
miffioners, or a majority of them, are hereby directed and empowered to open
and lay out the faid roads not more than twenty-five feet in width; which faid
roads fhall be opened and laid out by the faid commiffioners in the ftreighteft and
belt direction and manner, as they, or a majority of them, fhall think proper, fo
as to admit of the leaft poffible injury that may be to the perfon or perfons
through whofe lands the faid roads fhall pafs, and provided the fame roads be not
opened and laid out through the houfes, yards, gardens, orchards or meadows, of
any perfon or perfons, unlefs by their confent firft had and obtained by the faid
Roads, when
opened, &c. to
be returned,
III. And be it enacted, That the faid roads, or any of them, when fo opened
and laid out by the faid commiffioners as aforefaid, fhall, by the faid commiffion-
ers, or a majority of them, be returned to and laid before the juftices of Caroline
county court at their next fitting thereafter, and fhall be by the faid court received
and entered upon the records of the faid court as public roads of the faid county,
the court being firft fatisfied of the confent of the perfons refpectively through
whofe houfes, yards, gardens, orchards or meadows, any part of the faid roads
may pafs, having been firft obtained before the laying out and opening the fame.
ers may em-
ploy perfons,
IV. And be it enacted, That the faid commiffioners, or a majority of them,
fhall have power and authority to employ fuch perfons as they may think proper,
to open and make good the faid roads, and that all the expences in opening, lay-
ing out and making, the faid roads, fhall be levied on Caroline county, and col-