THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
XII. And be it enacted, That each and every officer, appointed and commiffi-
oned by virtue of this act, fhall, previous to their entering on the execution of
their refpective offices, take the following oath, or affirmation: " I, ——— ——— ,
"do fwear, or affirm, (as the cafe may be,) that I will be true and faithful to
"the ftate of Maryland."
C H A P.
Officers to
take an oath.
XIII. And be it enacted, That the ftate and regimental colours fhall be pro-
vided by the field officers, and the drums and fifes, or bugle-horns, by the com-
miffioned officers of companies, who fhall contribute to the fame in proportion
to the pay they would refpectively be entitled to receive if now called into actual
fervice; and if the faid colours, drums, fifes or bugle-horns, fhall not be pro-
vided on or before the firft day of Auguft next, in the manner herein directed,
every officer who fhall have neglected to contribute his proportion fhall forfeit and
pay one third of a month's pay to which fuch officers refpectively are entitled
when called into actual fervice.
Colours, &c.
to be furnifh-
ed by the of-
cers, &c.
XIV. And be it enacted That the whole of the militia, fo enrolled as afore-
faid, fhall, after the firft day of June next, be exercifed under their refpective of-
ficers, as followeth; that is to fay, in companies on fome day in Auguft and
November, and in battalion on fome day in October, after the tenth day thereof;
and after the year feventeen hundred and ninety-four, the faid militia fhall be ex-
ercifed as aforefaid, in companies on fome day in the months of April and No-
vember, in battalion on fome day in Auguft, and in regiment on fome day in
October, after the tenth day thereof; that the captains of companies fhall appoint
the days and places of meeting in companies, the majors fhall appoint the days
and places of meeting in battalion, and the lieutenant-colonels fhall appoint the
days and places of meeting in regiment; on each of which days every militia-
man fo enrolled fhall duly attend with his arms and accoutrements in good order ;
and the captain or commanding officer of each company is required to appoint a
fit and proper perfon, who fhall, at the end of one hour after the time appointed
for the meeting of the company, battalion or regiment, call over the mufter-roll
of the company, noting thofe who are abfent, and on that day fhall make return
in writing to the captain or commanding officer then prefent, of fuch abfentees ;
and all the perfons fo abfent at the time of calling over the roll, or who fhall de-
part from the parade before duly difcharged, fhall be liable to the fines hereafter
Militia to be
exercifed, &c.
XV. And be it enacted, That if any commiffioned officer fhall refufe or neglect
to attend on any of the days which fhall be appointed for exercife, accoutred and
equipped as aforefeid, (unlefs prevented by ficknefs, or fome other unavoidable
accident,) fuch commiffioned officer fhall forfeit and pay a fum not exceeding fix
dollars per day; and any non-commiffioned officer or matrofs in the artillery, and
any non-commiffioned officer or dragoon, who fhall fo refufe or neglect to attend
on any of the faid days, armed and accoutred as aforefaid, (except as before ex-
cepted,) fhall forfeit a fum not exceeding two thirds of a dollar per day; and all
other non-commiffioned officers and privates, who fhall fo refufe or neglect to at-
tend, armed and accoutred as herein before directed, (except as before excepted,)
fhall forfeit and pay one cent per day, unlefs excufed for appearing without arms
and accoutrements by the commanding officer of their refpective companies for
the day; and if they fhall not attend on the feveral days of meeting, to be ap-
pointed as aforefaid, each and every perfon, fo neglecting, fhall forfeit and pay
half a dollar per day, unlefs prevented by ficknefs, or other unavoidable accident ;
the names and furnames of all which perfons, fo incurring the faid fines and pe-
nalties, (except fuch as may have paid the fame into the hands of the captain or
commanding officer of the company,) fhall be duly and forthwith returned by the
captain or commanding officer of each company, under his hand, together with
fuch fines as he has received, to the lieutenant-colonel of the regiment to which
he fhall belong, who fhall, immediately after the faid returns are made to him,
caufe the fame to be refpectively recovered before fome juftice of the peace living
near the place where the delinquents refpectively refide, as in the cafe of fmall
debts; and the faid lieutenant-colonel fhall, twice in every year, account with the
Penalty on of-
ficers, &c. for
not attending,