C H A P.
treafurer of his fhore for all monies fo received, and pay the fame over to fuch
treafurer, to be fubject to the future application of the general affembly.
A duplicate to
be lodged, &c.
XVI. And be it enacted, That a duplicate of all returns made to the lieute-
nant-colonels as aforefaid, and an account of all money paid to them, fhall be
annually lodged by the refpective perfons making fuch returns or payments with
the treafurer of their refpective fhores.
Militia on K.
Ifland not
compelled to
meet, &c.
XVII. And, whereas the remote and detached fituation of that part of the
militia of Queen-Anne's county who refide on Kent Ifland, renders it impractica-
ble for them to meet in battalion or regiment off the faid ifland; therefore, Be
it enacted, That the militia refiding on Kent Ifland fhall not be compelled to
meet in battalion or regiment, but that the companies compofed of the militia on
faid ifland fhall neverthelefs be fubject to be called together to exercife twice a
year on the faid ifland, exclufive of company meetings, at fuch times and at fuch
place as the commanding officer of the battalion to which they belong fhall di-
rect, and fhall be fubject to the fame fines for not appearing at faid meetings as
others are for not meeting in battalion or regiment, any thing in this act to the
contrary notwithftanding.
Quakers, &c.
excufed, &c.
XVIII. And be it enacted, That all thofe perfons called Quakers, Menonifts
and Tunkers, and all other perfons confcientioufly fcrupulous of bearing arms,
fhall be excufed from militia duty, (except when called into actual fervice,) on
the payment of two dollars each on the firft day of September annually, to the
lieutenant-colonel of the regiment to which they fhall refpectively belong; which
faid fums fhall be collected in manner aforefaid, and be accounted for annually,
on or before the firft day of December, and paid to the treafurer of the eaftern
and weftern fhores refpectively, fubject to the future difpofition of the general af-
Mafters, &c.
XIX. And be it enacted, That the mafter or miftrefs of any apprentice, and
the father, or mother or guardian of any minor, not a matrofs or dragoon, who
fhall refufe or neglect to attend as "aforefaid, being in the fervice of his father, or
mother or guardian, mafter or miftrefs, fhall be accountable for the fine or fines
fo incurred by fuch minor or apprentice.
Any perfon
may find a
fubftitute, &c.
XX. And fee it enacted, That when any part or parts of the militia fhall be
draughted, or called out of the ftate into actual fervice, every perfon enrolled as
aforefaid, who is not a commiffioned officer, fhall have it in his choice, either to
ferve in perfon, or to find a fufficient perfon for a fubftitute, which faid fubftitute
fhall be approved of by the lieutenant-colonel, or commanding officer of the
battalion to which he fhall belong; but if any perfon, not being difabled by
ficknefs, fhall neglect or refufe to ferve, or find fuch fufficient fubftitute in his
place within ten days after notice given to him, the lieutenant-colonel, or com-
manding officer of the battalion to which fuch delinquent belongs, fhall and he
is hereby required to provide, hire or procure, on as reafonable terms as may be
a fubftitute for fuch perfon fo refufing or neglecting, and to charge fuch fum or
fums, together with reasonable expences for procuring the fame, to fuch delin-
quent, to be recovered by diftrefs and fale of his goods and chattels, lands or
tenements, by warrant under the hands and feals of any two juftices of the peace
of the county where fuch perfon refides; and in all cafes where it fhall be necef-
fary to recover any fine or forfeiture, or other money wherewith any perfon or
perfons may become chargeable under and by virtue of this act, by diftrefs and
fale, or execution, of the property of fuch perfon or perfons, it is hereby de-
clared to be the duty of the fheriff, or perfon executing for the fame, to take
fuch property as fhall be offered or fhewn to fuch fheriff, or perfon executing,
amounting to fuch debt and coft, and if no property fhall be fhewn or offered,
fuch fheriff, or perfon executing, fhall not take in execution any negro, or other
valuable property, to fatisfy a fmall or trifling fine or fum, if property of fmall
value can be found, but he fhall take fuch property, if any fuch can be found, as
will pay the fum due, with the coft of levying the fame, and no more, as nearly