C H A P.
perfon, under the age of forty-five years, when called on as aforefaid, fhall in-
form the perfon fo to be appointed, that he is of the age of forty-five years or
upwards, every fuch perfon, fo offending, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of ten
dollars for every fuch offence.
No free citi-
zen to be ex-
cufed, &c.
VI. And be it enacted, That no free white male citizen, of the age of eighteen
and under the age of forty-five years, fhall be excufed from militia duty on ac-
count of inability, unlefs he fhall obtain from the furgeon of the regiment to
which he fhall belong, or fome reputable phyfician in his neighbourhood, a cer-
tificate that he is not of fufficient ability to perform militia duty.
Perfons ap-
pointed, to
make returns,
VII. And be it enacted, That as foon as may be, and within fifteen days after
the aforefaid tenth day of April next, all the perfons fo to be appointed by the
governor and council in each and every county of this ftate, who fhall accept
fuch appointment, fhall make true and exact returns of all the free white male
citizens by them reflectively lifted as aforefaid to the governor and council, under
the penalty of forty dollars for every neglect; and the governor and council fhall
forthwith proceed to appoint the proper officers thereto, agreeably to the provi-
fions of the before recited act; that thereupon each and every free white male ci-
tizen, who fhall be of the age of eighteen years and under the age of forty-five
years, (except as before excepted,) fhall feverally and refpectively be enrolled in
the militia by the captain or commanding officer of the company within whofe
bounds fuch citizen fhall refide, under the direction of the brigadier-general of the
brigade, and that on or before the twentieth day of June next; and it fhall at all
times hereafter be the duty of every fuch captain or commanding officer of a com-
pany, to enrol every fuch citizen as aforefaid, and alfo thofe who fhall, from time
to time, arrive at the age of eighteen years, or being of the age of eighteen years
and under the age of forty-five years, (except as before excepted,) fhall come to
refide within his bounds, and fhall, without delay, notify fuch citizen of the faid
enrolment, by a proper non-commiffioned officer of the company, by whom fuch
notice may be proved.
Governor, &c.
to arrange the
militia, &c.
VIII. And be it enacted That on or before the twentieth day of June next,
the governor and council fhall arrange the militia of the ftate into divifions, bri-
gades, regiments, battalions and companies, and fhall number each divifion, bri-
gade and regiment, at the formation thereof, and a record fhall be made of fuch
numbers in the adjutant-general's office; that if the fame be convenient, each
brigade fhall confift of four regiments, each regiment of two battalions, each
battalion of five companies, each company of fixty-four privates, four fergeants,
four corporals, one drummer and one fifer or bugler.
Grenadiers to
be formed,
IX. And be it enacted, That out of the militia enrolled as aforefaid, there fhall
be formed for each battalion at leaft one company of grenadiers, light infantry or
riflemen; that to each divifion there fhall be a company of artillery and one troop
of horfe, formed and officered according to the directions of the before recited
Officers to
arm them-
felves, &c.
X. And be it enacted, That all commiffioned officers, who fhall be appointed
as aforefaid by the governor and council, and who fhall accept fuch appointment,
fhall, on or before the tenth day of July next, arm, accoutre, and provide them-
felves, in the manner by the faid before recited act directed, under the penalty of
twenty dollars for fuch neglect; and each non-commiffioned officer and matrofs
in the artillery, and each non-commiffioned officer and dragoon in the companies
of horfe, fhall, on or before the firft day of Auguft next, arm, accoutre, and
provide himfelf, in like manner, under the penalty of fix dollars current money
for fuch neglect.
Ministers ex-
XI. And be it enacted, That all minifters of the gofpel, regularly ordained or
licenfed by any religious fociety, fhall be and are hereby exempted from militia