THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor.
may be rendered neceffary by the requifitions of this act, or by fome other una-
voidable circumftances. It fhall be the duty of the commanding officer at every
mufter, whether by battalion, regiment or fingle company, to caufe the militia
to be exercifed and trained agreeably to the faid rules of difcipline. And be it
further enacted, That all commiffioned officers fhall take rank according to the
date of their commiffions; and when two of the fame grade bear an equal date,
then their rank to be determined by lot, to be drawn by them before the com-
manding officer of the brigade, regiment, battalion, company or detachment.
And be it further enacted, That if any perfon, whether officer or foldier, be-
longing to the militia of any ftate, and called out into the fervice of the United
States, be wounded or difabled while in actual fervice, he fhall be taken care of
and provided for at the public expence. And be it further enacted, That it fhall
be the duty of the brigade infpector to attend the regimental and battalion meet-
ings of the militia compofing their feveral brigades, during the time of their
being under arms, to infpect their arms, ammunition and accoutrements, fuper-
intend their exercife and manoeuvres, and introduce the fyftem of military dif-
cipline before defcribed throughout the brigade, agreeable to law and fuch orders
as they fhall, from time to time, receive from the commander in chief of the
ftate; to make returns to the adjutant-general of the ftate, at leaft once in every
year, of the militia of the brigade to which he belongs, reporting therein the
actual fituation of the arms, accoutrements and ammunition, of the feveral
corps, and every other thing which, in his judgment, may relate to their govern-
ment and the general advancement of good order and military difcipline 3 and the
adjutant-general fhall make a return of all the militia of the ftate to the com-
mander in chief of the faid ftate, and a duplicate of the fame to the prefident of
the United States. And, whereas fundry corps of artillery, cavalry and infantry,
now exift in feveral of the faid ftates, which, by the laws, cuftoms, or ufages
thereof, have not been incorporated with or fubject to the general regulations of
the militia, Be it further enacted, That fuch corps retain their accuftomed privi-
leges, fubject, neverthelefs, to all other duties required by this act, in like man-
ner with the other militia." Wherefore, and to carry the faid act into effect,
C H A P.
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That fit and proper
perfons in each county of this ftate be appointed by the governor and council to
make true and exact lifts of the names of all able-bodied white male citizens be-
tween eighteen and forty-five years of age, (except as in the before recited act and
as herein after excepted,) diftinguifhing in the faid lifts the quakers, menonifts,
tunkers, and perfons confcientioufly fcrupulous of bearing arms, and the appren-
tices and their trade, and the name of the mafter to whom they are apprenticed,
and caufe the faid lifts to be completed on or before the tenth day of April next,
and fhall return the fame to the commiffioners of the tax of the feveral and re-
fpective counties of this ftate, on or before the faid tenth day of April next.
Perfons to be
appointed to
make lifts, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That every perfon, fo appointed to take the lifts of
names in the feveral counties aforefaid, fhall be allowed for his trouble at the rate
of two dollars and two thirds of a dollar for every hundred perfons fo lifted,
which fums fhall be paid by the treafure of the fhore where they refide, and the
governor and the council may, in their difcretion, add to the fum to be allowed
to the perfons to be appointed in Allegany county, and diminish it in cafes of ap-
pointments in Baltimore-town, as they may think juft and neceffary, fo as to
make the compenfation equal to the fervice performed as nearly as may be.
Who fhall be
allowed, &c.
IV. And be it enacted, That if any free male white citizen, of the age of
eighteen years and under the age of forty-five years, when called on by any of the
perfons fo to be appointed by the governor and the council, fhall not give in his
name to be lifted, if unknown to the perfon requiring it, he fhall forfeit and pay
the fum of ten dollars for every fuch offence.
Penalty on
perfons for not
giving in their
names, &c.
V. And be it enacted, That if any fuch perfon, of the age of eighteen years
and upwards, when called on as aforefaid, fhall not inform the perfon fo to be
appointed, that he is of the age of eighteen years and upwards, and if any fuch
And for not