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Session Laws, 1793
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C H A P.

the ftate, and when in the field, or in fervice in the ftate, each divifion, brigade
and regiment, fhall refpectively take rank according to their numbers, reckoning
the firft or loweft number higheft in rank. That if the fame be convenient,
each brigade fhall confift of four regiments, each regiment of two battalions,
each battalion of five companies, each company of fixty-four privates. That
the faid militia fhall be officered by the refpective ftates as follows: To each
divifion, one major-general, and two aids-de-camp with the rank of major; to
each brigade, one brigadier-general, with one brigade infpector, to ferve alfo as
brigade-major, with the rank of a major; to each regiment, one lieutenant-colo-
nel commandant; and to each battalion, one major; to each company, one cap-
tain, one lieutenant, one enfign, four fergeants, four corporals, one drummer,
and one fifer or bugler. That there fhall be a regimental ftaff, to confift of one
adjutant and one quarter-mafter, to rank as lieutenants; one paymafter, one fur-
geon, and one furgeon's mate; one fergeant-major, one drum-major, and one
fife-major. And be it further enacted, That out of the militia enrolled as is
herein directed, there fhall be formed for each battalion at leaft one company of
grenadiers, light infantry or riflemen; and that to each divifion there fhall be, at
leaft, one company of artillery, and one troop of horfe: There fhall be to each
company of artillery one captain, two lieutenants, four fergeants, four corporals,
fix gunners, fix bombardiers, one drummer, and one fifer. The officers to be
armed with a fword or hanger, a fufee, bayonet and belt, with a cartridge box
to contain twelve cartridges; and each private or matrofs fhall furnifh himfelf
with all the equipments of a private in the infantry, until proper ordnance and
field artillery is provided. There fhall be to each troop of horfe, one captain,
two lieutenants, one cornet, four fergeants, four corporals, one faddler, one far-
rier, and one trumpeter. The commiffioned officers to furnifh themfelves with
good horfes, of at leaft fourteen hands and an half high, and to be armed with a
fword and pair of piftols, the holfters of which to be covered with bearfkin
caps. Each dragoon to furnifh himfelf with a ferviceable horfe, at leaft four-
teen hands and an half high, a good faddle, bridle, mail pillion and valife,
holfters, and a breaftplate and crupper, a pair of boots and fpurs, a pair of
piftols, a fabre, and a cartouch box to contain twelve cartridges for piftols.
That each company of artillery and troop of horfe fhall be formed of volunteers
from the brigade, at the difcretion of the commander in chief of the ftate, not
exceeding one company of each to a regiment, nor more in number than one
eleventh part of the infantry, and fhall be uniformly cloathed in regimentals, to
be furnifhed at their own expence; the colour and fafhion to be determined by
the brigadier commanding the brigade to which they belong. And be it further
enacted, That each battalion and regiment fhall be provided with the ftate and
regimental colours by the field officers, and each company with a drum and fife
or bugle-horn, by the commiffioned officers of the company, in fuch manner as
the legiflature of the refpective ftates fhall direct. And be it further enacted,
That there fhall be an adjutant-general appointed in each ftate, whofe duty it
fhall be to diftribute all orders from the commander in chief of the ftate to the
feveral corps; to attend all public reviews, when the commander in chief of the
ftate fhall review the militia, or any part thereof; to obey all orders from him
relative to carrying into execution and perfecting the fyftem of military difcipline
eftablifhed by this act; to furnifh blank forms of different returns that may be
required, and to explain the principles on which they fhould be made; to receive
from the feveral officers of the different corps throughout the ftate, returns of
the militia under their command, reporting the actual fituation of their arms,
accoutrements and ammunition, their delinquencies, and every other thing which
relates to the general advancement of good order and difcipline; all which the
feveral officers of the divifions, brigades, regiments and battalions, are hereby
required to make in the ufual manner, fo that the faid adjutant-general may be
duly furnifhed therewith; from all which returns he fhall make proper abftracts,
and lay the fame annually before the commander in chief of the ftate. And be
it further enacted, That the rules of difcipline approved and eftablifhed by con-
grefs in their refolution of the twenty-ninth of March, one thoufand feven hun-
dred and feventy-nine, fhall be the rules of difcipline to be obferved by the mili-
tia throughout the United States, except fuch deviations from the faid rules at

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Session Laws, 1793
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