THOMAS SIM LEE, Efquire, Governor,
A further fupplement to an act, entitled, An act to regulate the
infpection of tobacco, paffed November feffion, feventeen hun-
dred and eighty-nine.
Paffed De-
cember 28.
WHEREAS many inconveniences exift under the prefent laws to regu-
late the infpection of tobacco, for which it is neceffary to provide re-
medies; therefore,
II. Be it enacted, by the General Affembly of Maryland, That if any fkipper
or matter of a flat or other veffel, after the firft day of May next, fhall take to-
bacco from any warehoufe in this ftate on board his flat or boat, when the faid flat
or boat fhall not be in good condition and provided with fufficient covering to
fecure fuch tobacco from rain, fnow and wet, fuch mafter or fkipper fhall forfeit
and pay the fum of feven fhillings and fix-pence current money, for every hogf-
head of tobacco fo by him received on board as aforefaid, to be recovered before
any juftice of the peace, as in the cafe of fmall debts, one third to the ufe of the
informer, and two thirds to the ufe of the county; and it is hereby declared to
be the duty of every infpector to inform againft every fkipper whom he fhall find
fo offending as aforefaid; and every infpector, before he permits any tobacco to
be put on board any flat or other veffel, to be carried from his warehoufe, fhall
examine the faid flat or veffel in perfon, to fee that the faid flat or veffel is in good
condition, and well provided with good and fufficient covering to fecure fuch to-
bacco from rain, fnow, wet, and other injuries of weather.
Penalty on
fkippers for
not fecuring
tobacco, &c.
III. And be it enacted, That it fhall not be lawful for any fkipper or mailer
of any flat or other veffel, after the faid firft day of May next, to take any tobac-
co from any warehoufe within this ftate, in order to carry the fame on board any
fhip or other veffel for exportation, before fuch fkipper or mafter fhall make oath,
or affirmation if a quaker, menonift or tunker, before the infpector or infpec-
tors of fuch warehoufe, (who are hereby authorifed and required to adminifter the
fame, under the penalty of eight hundred pounds of tobacco for every neglect,)
that all fuch tobacco which he fhall, from time to time, receive from faid ware-
houfe, he will carefully and diligently put on board his flat or other veffel, and will,
with all opportunity of wind and weather, convey, or caufe the fame to be conveyed,
on board fuch fhip or veffel to which it fhall be directed by the owner or owners
thereof, to be loaded for exportation, and that he, the faid fkipper or mafter, will
not take, nor fuffer to be taken, by any perfon whatever, any tobacco out of fuch
hogshead or hogfheads; that he will not exchange the faid tobacco, or the cafes
which cover the fame, nor fuffer the fame to be exchanged, and that he will not
wilfully damage, or fuffer to be damaged, fuch tobacco, whilft the fame fhall re-
main under his care and management; and if any fkipper as aforefaid fhall refufe
or delay taking the oath, or affirmation if a quaker, menonift or tunker, in
manner and form aforefaid, fuch fkipper, for every hogfhead of tobacco taken on
board contrary to the intention of this act, fhall forfeit and pay the fum of feven
fhillings and fix-pence current money; the faid penalties, fines and forfeitures, to
be recovered before any juftice of the peace, in the fame manner as is herein be-
fore directed.
Skippers take-
ing tobacco to
make oath,
IV. And be it enacted, That the juftices, out of the monies received from the
infpectors of the feveral warehoufes, and within one month after the fettlement of
the accounts of faid infpectors, fhall pay to the proprietors of thofe warehoufes
which are private property, one fhilling and fix-pence current money for every
hogfhead infpected, paffed and lodged, in their refpeftive warehoufes, any thing
in the act to which this is an additional fupplement to the contrary notwithftand-
ing; provided, that nothing in the preceding claufe fhall affect Beard's Point
warehoufe, fituate on South river, in Anne-Arundel county.
Infpectors to
pay proprie-
tors, &c.
V. And, whereas there are doubts in fome of the levy courts as to their
power of fommoning witneffes in any difputes which may arife in the fettlement
of infpectors accounts, Be it enacted, That the faid levy courts fhall have, and
Courts may
compel atten-
dance, &c.